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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yeah, it's under the docs above http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=20
  2. Fixed caching issues, ACARS heading View more details, download from here Version jump because I forgot to run the precommit script =\ Hopefully those cache issues are fixed now.
  3. Fixed caching issues, ACARS heading View more details, download from here
  4. You have import the navdb, it should be in the /install folder. I don't install it by default since it's large. With the map not showing up, that might be a bug
  5. I'm probably not going to provide email, instead opting that people setup with Google Apps instead. It's much quicker, and doesn't make me lose 1/3 of my system resources running spamd/mail server. Outbound mail will still work, though
  6. LOL to be honest, I don't quite remember myself. The field has never been used. Now that I think about it, it should be speed, not altitude. I don't see why I'd ever need alt, speed could be used for time estimation.
  7. Ahh you're right. I'm not sure why I did that haha, I think I was a bit too aggressive in clean up. And that shouldn't be empty() either, that will erase if there's a zero. Fixed on my side. Thanks!!
  8. It's not the same one. You can fix the error by deleting everything in core/cache
  9. You can just overwrite the files, there were no table changes
  10. Yeah the version is taken out of the DB now. I have to remove that entry from the settings table. I'll take a look at these other issues, thanks for checking guys!!
  11. Seems like it's errors in the caching, weird. I'm looking into it.
  12. You can empty out both. It's weird that they've gotten that large
  13. With the new version, you can send the route also. That will parse and show properly on the live map
  14. I always keep every app in separate databases. You can run update.sql. I'd also notify your host, there could be another client on there who's just eating memory
  15. Haha! Enjoy the day my friend, have an extra beer for me!
  16. I don't mind! If you need a support forum here, I can create one, no problems Looks good!
  17. 122 but it's probably sharing that between a few dozen other websites.
  18. Are you on shared hosting? The only thing you can really do is wait a while, seems your host is overloaded
  19. Try re-downloading and re-uploading, I think the zip on the downloads was the wrong one
  20. I think it will be about 2-3 weeks, I'm still evaluating several hosts, though I'm eying one based in NJ - good latency all around for US and Europe
  21. A div would be best... call the Tempalte::Show('acarsmap.tpl') within a div, then call that div into the lightbox. I think that's the easiest way I can think
  22. cache and template errors fixed View more details, download from here Fixes some of those cache errors and problems with the templating
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