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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Weird, can you run : /install/checkinstall.php and /install/checkdb.php And post the results in here
  2. Hey, What version are you using? And just the admin panel, or you can't login at all?
  3. What do you mean parse? Just drop it in the directory, depending on the host, it should work. Or using the ini setting (ini_get())
  4. 907, go folder by folder in the /core folder, you're missing something there
  5. I'm hoping to open registrations this weekend. Working out a few final things, server is all setup and ready to go. Domains will be setup for Google Apps from the get-go, you just have to sign up (link and info will be in the registration email). Details: Washington DC datacenter with a 24x7 managed, premium enterprise host on an 8-core Xeon dedicated server, 15K RPM SAS drives in RAID 10 and 6 gigs of RAM Standard plan: 10GB, 50GB bandwidth - 10$/month, or 100$/year prepaid, no contract cPanel, unlimited subdomains, databases, etc All the latest and super optimized - Apache 2.2, nginx front-loader, PHP 5.3.2, and MySQL 5.1, also Python/Ruby - shell access if you want it phpVMS comes ready to install (just create the database), but you can install anything Instant (or close to) activation of your account when you register. So - hopefully this weekend! If you want to test pings to where you are, you can ping fivedev.net
  6. I will take a looksie again once I get home, weird- what PHP/MySQL version?
  7. Sort of. It was weird...try it with 907, I made a change which seemed to have fixed it
  8. I would use Firebug if I were you - you have a fixed height of 829 on a cell which is doing it
  9. bug: fix navdata with lat=0 or lng=0 (closed: fixed) #208 bug: Financial report - Breakdown out (closed: fixed) #219 request: Privilidges and access (closed: fixed) #222/ prereqs for ranks/aircraft, installer fixes fixed problem with expired sessions not clearing properly aircraft - can select a minimum rank, but doesn't actually do anything yet (still working out some details) View more details, download from here
  10. You can wait for this one, I'm implementing aircraft restrictions on ranks for 2.1. A few things I though I'd present: Do schedules show if they are on an aircraft they're not qualified for? I can add a bit into the template which will skip it (like there are for several cases now). Since schedules can be flown with any aircraft, does it even matter If they file a PIREP, what happens if they used an aircraft they can't fly Do aircraft they can't fly show up on the PIREP form? ACARS flights - if they use an aircraft they're not supposed to - I presume it would notify the admin in the accept screen Statistics - excluding aircraft they can't fly from showing up in the stats screen
  11. There's another thread around here, you'd send it as a string via POST, like /index.php/your/module/pirep/?xml=[THE XML STRING]
  12. Can you run /install/checkinstall.php To see if there are any corrupted files?
  13. That's when you're adding a new schedule? What about editing?
  14. After $flights = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) <= p.submitdate')); DB::debug(); Add that DB::debug(); What does the output say?
  15. Make sure your core/local.config.php file is completely empty with a file-size of 0
  16. Hi, Reupload your files, looks like there's something corrupted or an upload was corrupted
  17. Thanks yes, there was a bug with that
  18. Yeah, I know about this, http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/208 I'm hopefully going to get to fix this today
  19. What's the code you're using? Under maintenance options, have you recalculated the flight hours?
  20. There probably will be alot of changes. Here's my suggestion - Create a new Lang class, called class MultiLang { ... } In a new file, and create it into an addon with your custom templates, and release it as an addon. If you place the MultiLang file and just call it, it autoloads.
  21. Looks good. I don't have skype atm. But maybe you can implement this into an add-on. I can't integrate just yet, a little too much going on.
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