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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Is it setup to do anything? I would look at the Apache error logs and see if you can find where it's redirecting
  2. Sorry about that. I can add a note to that page. Yeah, the main reason is that it could affect existing PIREPs, or any ACARS flights which use those airports
  3. You have to add those users to the admin group
  4. Is it in the database table, and active? Did you look under the inactive list?
  5. I haven't decided if it will be at fivedev.net or fscentral.net. Probably at fivedev. I have an idea about prices and plans - I put a post on the first page with some more info
  6. So you didn't change anything with your skin? Lemme take a look.
  7. What's the code you put for your layout? Did you put the: <?php echo $page_content; ?> Where the content would show?
  8. You're missing your Google API key
  9. Sheesh.. I usually check with that. Can you enabled mysql_slow_query_log and let me know what they are? I can add indexes to those which are missing. I usually leave that on in development, haven't really seen anything non-indexed (I obsess over those . But I only join on IDs and those are indexed, but I'll try combing through the log tonight too.
  10. Ah, that would mean you're missing something or something is wrong with the Javascript. I'd check the Firefox error console for errors
  11. Yes, but my question is did you go into phpMyAdmin and change pilot IDs? Can you manually add a schedule with that flight number?
  12. Changelog - the captcha has been changed to reCaptcha, there's some changes to make to the registration_mainform.tpl (IIRC that's the file name)
  13. No, if you're binding to multiple fields, ALWAYS use a class, you can't have duplicate IDs. You can do: <input type="text" class="datepicker" name="..." value="" /> Then the javascript: $('.datepicker').datepicker({ your options }); The $('.datepicker') picks out any elements with the datepicker class, and applies the datepicker to it. The selector is the same as CSS. Right now you're doing #from, #to which is fine, but you can also use the above if you're using more fields (I think entering more fields in that manually is a bit cumbersome). Also, if you place any of your optional javascript in your footer (ie, just above the </body> tag), you don't need to have a $(document).ready() call to put them into.
  14. I think it shows by default when you're logged in. You can manually change it so it doesn't show only when logged in
  15. Yes, but I mean, did you/are you manually changing IDs?
  16. Ah, you can fix that for now.. just open that file, goto that line, remove this: ", $value"
  17. fixed #215 and #204 View more details, download from here Huge speed changes in this, finally utilizing the cache layer. Make sure core/cache is writable, but you should be able to see stuff being cached in there. Also, if you have an htaccess, make sure no one can get into the /core folder. Cache stays for varying lengths, but should be refreshing properly. At least 20% increases - stats have a nominal 3 minute cache on them, other things have maybe an hour to 24 hours. If there's changes, the cache is updated. On every page the cache eliminates at least 4 db calls. Another is a maintenance script, which isn't completed yet, but if you have access to cron, you can set USE_CRON to true, and then set that script (admin/maintenance.php) to run nightly. Also alleviates 4/5 db calls for the "fake cron" which runs. Combined with above, it's about 10 calls which are gone. Yay for speed
  18. fixed a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/215" title="enhancement: Generic caching class (closed: fixed)"#215/a, fixed a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/204" title="bug: Currency symbol on signatures (closed: fixed)"#204/a View more details, download from here
  19. Where it's showing up (in Africa) is 0,0, meaning there's no coordinates.Which ACARS and what phpVMS version?
  20. I don't get what you mean by 'started out'. What did you change?
  21. First thing would be to check your coordinates for those airports
  22. I'd wait a few days for 901, some big changes
  23. Nope, it's alreayd included, a newer version. Yes, that demo should work...
  24. phpVMS uses jquery, it's included by default and uses it for many things including schedules. So to make it easy, I'd use jquery plugins
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