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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hmm, I haven't run into it. Have you cleared that table, is it showing up in there multiple times?
  2. Nabeel


    1. $this->post->fieldname 2. Just delete the configs, there's no way to really turn it on or off. 3. In the docs there's a section called "conventions" I think. It's incomplete, but if you're wondering how to do things you can poke around the default modules too and see how it's done, there's nothing crazy in there
  3. Maybe he means the news on the front page? Thats under site CMS, the news section. But good advice regardless, that's always the best place to start.
  4. You have a Nexus One too? I love mine I didn't try looking at the map on it yet (I will try now), but it's the Google Map v3 which is optimized for mobile
  5. It will either pull the latest bid, or you put int he code + flight number and it will pull the data for that schedule
  6. There's other code which is causing problems too, though. He can't run the checkinstall.php page because something else errors out, which brings me to believe that there's something wrong on the server side
  7. Doesn't seem like the file itself, since you're uploading fresh to a new directory, and when you open it, it's not mangled either. I think something in the PHP install is screwy.
  8. Those look like saturday and sunday only flights, today is Monday so they wouldn't show
  9. http://docs.phpvms.net/development/searching_schedules_and_pireps You're msising $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params); Further down where it says '// You can then do:' That's ane xample of how to process or you can do Template::Set('allroutes', $schedules); Template::Show('schedule_results.tpl'); which will shwo those schedules in that results template
  10. If you create a new folder and upload your install to that, do you get the error there?
  11. That code has changed in the next update, let me debug, thanks
  12. Hey, There's a thread in the addons forum with a filter addon, perhaps he might take suggestions. There's also in the docs how to do that programatically.
  13. I would contact them, it might be something related to that, that's strange. Are they/you using APC caching or any PHP accelerators?
  14. Hey, have you installed already or are trying to install?
  15. Nabeel


    Use the IE developer toolbar to help you mess with CSS
  16. Revision 874: acars map ie8 fix, finances graph fix7 February 2010, 11:22 amacars map ie8 fix, finances graph fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  17. Revision 873: acars map ie8 fix, finances graph fix7 February 2010, 11:21 amacars map ie8 fix, finances graph fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  18. acars map ie8 fix, finances graph fix View more details
  19. acars map ie8 fix, finances graph fix View more details
  20. Did you make ay changes to that code? It's probably a bug then
  21. Hey, http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1708.msg10490#msg10490
  22. You'd have to create that flight in order for them to fly it - so you have to create the return flight, unless you use free flight (check the FAQ).
  23. Means there's a PHP error somewhere - in local.config.php set error_reporting to E_ALL
  24. Also this http://bugs.phpvms.net/browser/trunk/core/classes/CodonWebService.class.php#L42 Line 42, is yours the same? Contact your host, did they make any PHP changes? Are any other apps on your server broken?
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