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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yep, the acars map templates are now moved into acarsmap.tpl so you can completely customize the display of that table below the map and all, I had to take out that "jump to" piece (until I can figure out how to do it in the v3 of the google maps)
  2. What do you mean? They would have to exist for them to bid on them/fly them
  3. Instead of using xampp, I'd suggest (if you can), use a subdomain and a different database. With it being on localhost, some of the javascript and ajax functionality won't work, due to browser security restrictions
  4. From the FAQ http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=169.0 From the docs http://docs.phpvms.net/users#changing_the_pilots_id_starting_number
  5. You have files corrupted, that's what it seems to be, make sure files are being uploaded (your client could be skipping files which seem to be the same change time)
  6. If they add a bid for that flight, in their list of bids, they can click through to the PIREP form which will have it filled out
  7. Yes you'd have to have some sort of work-flow with your staff for that. Doing that programatically and automated is difficult, it would be alot of code and alot of logic to work through, for something that a person can look at and decide in about 30 seconds.
  8. I may have to remove all the nav data stuff, trying to work things out with navigraph
  9. MySQL doesn't seem to be the problem. Did you apply the permissions to all the files in the folder, as well as the folder?
  10. Try something like: MainController::Run('booking', 'index'); Good job on the addon! Just a minor issue, at the end of booking.php there is this: ?> With a blank line after the ?> You can take our the ?> (not required). The blank line/space at the end could mess up potentially sending that whitespace out and causing an "headers already sent" error message
  11. Breaks the registration? Emails are sent after the registration is complete
  12. I see errors related to some google ads thing, might be interferring? I don't see any errors though. Did you empty the acarsdata table?
  13. Yes I said back here: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2090.msg13145#msg13145 It's p.code. And it should be $airline->code Not codes
  14. Those files/folders need to be 775 or 777 permissions. Are you on linux or windows server?
  15. My understanding that per-pax costs are built into ticket prices. What are examples of per-hour costs?
  16. There's still some javascript issues, waiting for an updated jquery-ui to come out, which should be soon. Also that finance templates they've changed so that might be why they're erroring on that (check the changelog, all those templates changed, including the acars map ones). I have to see if I can fix the numbers being all bunched up
  17. It should be showing on the page. If it's not, then you are either looking in the wrong place or haven't called it
  18. Nabeel

    Air TV

    I don't think that involves any phpvms setup, that's all client/server
  19. But I allow times in schedules in localized timezones, so I can't really check for that. That might be more suitable for an addon, which will put in another layer of checks as a pirep is filed. The monthly expenses couldn't be done until this next update, since now PIREPS are calculated in real-time instead of cached (as of the next update, which isn't out yet)
  20. After $allairlines = OperationsData::getAllAirlines(); Put a DB::debug(); and post the output
  21. $params = array( 'p.hub' => 'your hub', ); $pilots = PilotData::findPilots($params); foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; }
  22. It thinks its done on the date it's filed. I can add that field. The dep/arr times - I had left those out because of issues with timezones, and formatting, and it gets kinda complicated pretty quickly. I wasn't really sure how to handle that, but if you have suggestions for that I can take them into consideration
  23. Nabeel


    I got an email too the other day from some airline lol
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