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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. They should be, in the latest updates, but perhaps those PIREPs were there before the addition code was added. But even then, sometimes, that won't work
  2. A few bugs with that have been fixed in the next version, but are you sure the image itself is correct and you're linking to the right one?
  3. This was fixed for the latest version, so hang tight, it's going to drop soon
  4. I will check, it should only be doing that with FSFK flights
  5. Do all the airports you've flown to exist in your airports list?
  6. Thanks, can you add a bug in the bug tracker for it? Thanks
  7. Hey Dan, Which phpVMS version are you using?
  8. Deleting will be available in the next release.
  9. Hmm it's showing up on the dev site. Any other errors? How about the Firefox error console?
  10. Thanks Markus! I hope you and your family and friends do as well.
  11. Livemap is through FSACARS, XAcars or FSFK. FSPax doesn't support any live acars
  12. I left it open for pireps filed with FSFK since they are prettier http://dev.phpvms.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/90
  13. Thanks Tony! Happy Holidays to all, hopefully a 2.0 release next week!
  14. No problem. IE 8 I know there are issues, they'll be fixed in the next version next week.
  15. Reupload those folders from the phpVMS install. What browser are you using? The error may have already been fixed in the next version (due next week).
  16. Refresh the page and try re-uploading the /admin and /lib/js folders. Might be a corrupted file.
  17. Hey, Which version are you using? And when you double-click script error on the bottom, what does it say?
  18. Yep, it can take data from any of those and generate a PIREP. That seems to be a frequent request so I'll integrate it into the next version, shouldn't be too difficult
  19. It's always in lbs, but I've fixed in the latest ones that it will do the proper conversion to your local units from lbs
  20. Hey, welcome Phil. I'm not sure if Yahoo hosting supports the phpVMS requirements. http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#requirements
  21. Revision 822: xacars/acars fixes, other minor fixes21 December 2009, 7:43 pmxacars/acars fixes, other minor fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  22. Nabeel


    You can add that right into your template, just add the column with $schedule->flighttime or whatever the variable is ($schedule or $route, i forget)
  23. Nabeel


    That's a good point, I'll see if I can easily add an option
  24. There's this setting in app.config, which you should put in your local.config, and then set it to false: # Automatically calculate ranks? Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true); Then when you edit a pilot's profile, you'll have the option to change their rank as wellq
  25. Nabeel


    Well, only the flights set to fly today will show then, since that's the default behavior on the template
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