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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. It'll show up with some admin activity. Do you have an admin_logs table?
  2. Sounds good, woohoo. What browser are you having those issues in?
  3. Revision 839: fsacars fix, installer fix30 December 2009, 7:07 pmfsacars fix, installer fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  4. Hahaha! I think I'm gonna have to adopt that as my resolution too man, that's too great. Well around here, the version bumps were me testing a few things, but the release should be over the weekend I'm hoping. Just tidying up a few last things, but that's about it. Hope your xmas was great too! New years should be something.. we'll see. I was planning to release on Friday, but seeing that it's a new year, I don't think I'll get around to it *cough cough*
  5. It doesn't use FTP, but I think maybe firewall or something. Delete it completely from your system, all of it's files and try a reinstall from scratch, and redownload the ini file. Are you upto date on the phpvms side? There's nothing in the log, so that means it's not even contacting your site for any information
  6. There's a WSYWIG included with phpvms, perhaps you can include that in, should be pretty straight forward
  7. Ok, Roger has narrowed down that it may be the "Flight from VA" option which is doing it. I will take a look in the morning
  8. Interesting, I'll look at it for the future, after this release
  9. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1741.0
  10. Send me a link, I've never heard of it
  11. Make this file writeable: /HOME/FLYMAPL1/PUBLIC_HTML/CORE/LOGS/XACARS.TXT Actually, make all the files in that folder writeable
  12. You should create a module which will handle all your data, so: index.php/yourmodule/login then in php, there's a function in your module called login() You should communicate via XML, so you send POST data to login() using XML with your username/password, and write out XML with true or false or something which your client parses. XML is great for this purpose. See the FSFK module, the pirep() function. I parse XML sent from FSFK using PHP's SimpleXML features. Then writing out XML see the XML module
  13. Since when? Nothing's changed on those files since 822 which was 8 days ago so I'm a little confused. Are there errors? Messages? etc etc. Make sure all files are updated
  14. Saying it's hosed doesn't really help... need some details. Nothings changed with acars since build 822 which was 8 days ago.
  15. Interesting, so there's no errors on the phpvms side.
  16. You can use the old one, look at the upgrading instructions in the docs
  17. Thanks, this is puzzling me. What's the last changed date/time on the /install/hashlist file? And the filesize, and can you attach it to the post here?
  18. Revision 838: fixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed ...29 December 2009, 1:54 pmfixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed #142, hashs update, install fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  19. Revision 836: fixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed ...29 December 2009, 1:37 pmfixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed #142, hashs updateSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  20. Revision 837: fixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed ...29 December 2009, 1:52 pmfixed #140 fixed #139 fixed #141 fixed #106 fixed #6 fixed #133 fixed #142, hashs update, install fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  21. Revision 835: hash list update includes other fixes29 December 2009, 1:26 pmhash list update includes other fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  22. Revision 834: fixed #133 fixed #14229 December 2009, 1:23 pmfixed #133 fixed #142Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
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