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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Legs were removed a long time ago. If it's the same flight number, then they will just overwrite each other.
  2. As of next beta: http://docs.phpvms.net/_media/development/searching_and_retriving_schedules
  3. Nabeel

    Pilot Group

    Where you give permissions, also add the ACCESS_ADMIN permission
  4. For the adult/children, that can be passed to the next page, and you can do some random logic with the price. For the day of arrival/departure, you have to determine what day of week it is, and search by that, and then arrival/departure. But thanks for reminding me, I was starting to write a multi-search function, which would search on whatever parameters you pass to it: <?php // Returns KJFK flights on sundays $data = array('arricao'=>'KJFK', 'dayofweek'=>0); $results = SchedulesData::getMultiSearch($data); // return VMS flights from KJFK, departing during 18:00-59 hours (% is SQL wildcard) $data = array('depicao'=>'KJFK', 'code'=>'VMS', 'deptime'=>'18:%'); $results = SchedulesData::getMultiSearch($data); This would facilitate any custom searches or modules which want to return specific data, and you can pass in any column to search on which is in that table. I added a ticket for it: http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/110 I will probably write a similar function for PIREPS.
  5. Nabeel

    Pilot Group

    You have to also add "ACCESS_ADMIN"
  6. May have found one source of the slowness, I was looking through the vacentral log in the log folder. I didn't implement the throttling code for va updates, so I'll implement that for the next update.
  7. Thanks, I also need the acars.txt file though
  8. There's plenty of code examples around, try taking a crack at it, you have the above as well.
  9. Fixed admin PIREP list bug, also added some per-airline stats. Mostly minor fixes. Added a different type for showing PIREPS which have already been approved. Using two different style, if you guys prefer the PIREP listing for the ones which have already been approved for all of them, I'll make that the style for all of them, instead of using the old style for PIREPs which are awaiting approval. Fixed the "Reset Distances" to calculate using the arrival and departure airports, instead of basing it on the schedules (which will help for you who are doing "random" flights which aren't in the schedule) And just post the checkinstall.php if you can. Thanks
  10. Revision 819: fixed #90 fixed #108 fixed #101 fixed #82 fixed #10717 December 2009, 1:34 pmfixed #90 fixed #108 fixed #101 fixed #82 fixed #107Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  11. I personally would say don't allow non-airline users. Opens up the possibility for spam and other problems
  12. Sorry, here it is <?php /* Uncomment this code if you want only schedules which are from the last PIREP that pilot filed */ if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { $reports = PIREPData::getLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); if(is_object($reports)) { # IF the arrival airport doesn't match the departure airport if($reports->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; } } }
  13. You can add that bit of code in the template, schedule_details.tpl <?php // under the foreach($allroutes as $route) { if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { $reports = PIREPData::getLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); if(is_array($reports)) { # IF the arrival airport doesn't match the departure airport if($reports[0]->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; } } }
  14. Seems like maybe you're missing a float in the parent div
  15. Will be fixed in next beta
  16. Good to hear. Always keep backups
  17. Can you set DEBUG_LOG to true in local.config.php, and then do a flight, and send me a copy of the core/logs/acars.txt file? Thanks. Just attach it here
  18. This will work from the next beta, $list_of_pilots = PilotGroups::getUsersInGroup($group_name_or_id);
  19. This will be available in the next version. Alot of backend cleanup had to be done in relation to PIREPs before I could allow it
  20. Check out the video tutorials, that's a good place to start on the basics
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