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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. type input type =submit
  2. You're using the registration in the type and tail #?
  3. It will the time remaining after the last update
  4. I guess it can but there will be problems. You can usually pay hosts by check too
  5. $users = UserGroups::GetUsersInGroup ([group id); Replace [group id] with the ID of the group, and it will return an array of all the users in it
  6. You have to set that file writeable to 777. phpvms//lib/rss/latestpireps.rss
  7. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Register on the dev site (http://dev.phpvms.net), and try a flight against that site
  8. I'll look in a few, is your server down? It wasn't loading
  9. Hey, Sorry, takes some time to reply sometimes. You mean you want to use the same regs for different aircraft? You can't do that, but maybe you can append a -M for modern and -C for classic or something. The aircraft are independent of the airlines within phpVMS
  10. You'll need a google maps api key, enter it into the settings
  11. Thanks, I'll take a look. No prob on the late response
  12. Free webhost does cause alot of issues. Thanks Joeri
  13. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    No code has changed with ACARS in 3 weeks: http://bugs.phpvms.net/log/trunk/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php?rev=815 http://bugs.phpvms.net/log/trunk/core/modules/ACARS/fsacars.php?rev=815 http://bugs.phpvms.net/log/trunk/core/common/ACARSData.class.php?rev=815 It was probably a corrupt file on upload, or something on your end. I'll still double check against the dev site, but Joeri and several others would have noticed if it was a core issue. Again, find that old thread, it's your HTML code. Re-download your ACARS config file as well, and reinstall FSACARS from scratch (delete the folder and completely reinstall). Hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to check
  14. You have to create a database, according to your host's instructions http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#phpvms_installation
  15. If it can't create it (doesn't have the right permissions), then you have to... in the /core folder create a file called local.config.php and make sure it's writable... it has to be completely empty (size 0) You can make the permissions of the core folder 777 and try again, maybe it will be able to make it automatically then
  16. Wait, are you mixing files between the beta and release? Do just the release version, make sure everything is uploaded and proper. If you search the forum, it's come up before, it was a corrupted file. Install might not work properly on beta
  17. Too add it into financials would be simple, just add a monthly expense, and with every registration, the addon will just have to adjust that. Then the 3 months, I guess the addon can check PIREP fillings. Shouldn't be too hard to do
  18. Thanks guys, glad to help. phpVMS is my little side/pet project, I get to try new coding techniques and ideas on all you unfortunate souls.. bwahahah
  19. Try reuploading all the files. Which page is this on? Does the "check database connections" work on the installer page?
  20. No prob, check this out: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1270.0
  21. Thanks, I'll also try to dupe this. Joeri, if you can try on the dev site, maybe you'll get the chance before I do
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