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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I've started working on the Mac plugin, that build is working, with a few other changes at least Mac users can use VMWare Fusion or something. I might try to make a guide - so they can mount the folder for scanning the scenery and then run it that way.
  2. Thanks for the link - I'll take a look. I'm using the beacon and strobe values, but I see they're using some simconnect events too, I have to do some research if those are standard events or not, because right now, I'm not looking at those to get values from. Edit; So interesting, looks like a few new sim vars have been added (so I'm using the older "LANDING LIGHTS ON" vs "LANDING LIGHTS"). But the strobes one is interesting, since the doc says it ignores "auto". I can do some experimenting with this later.
  3. Hi, that depends on how they report it to simconnect. So with it being on auto, they must always be reporting it as "on". I'm guessing their api are lvars which I don't think are supported through the simconnect interface yet. It's on my list to look into
  4. The webserver is not setup correctly, it's not hitting phpvms, looks like a landing page or something
  5. Download the latest phpvms dev version. There's an option in the ACARS settings for the beta.
  6. I think I've found an issue with this, where it's not properly reading it from the remote ACARS config setting ("ACARS Update Timer"). I'm pushing a fix to the beta channel right now.
  7. What's your ACARS update timer set to? Because that looks like it's updating every few seconds. But let me look at that code... it could be a bug.
  8. Hi Nicky, a fixed was just pushed. This was only on the beta. Just restart the client.
  9. That sounds normal. Reduce your data collection rate, I don't think it needs to be that high. They're just talking about request rate. Every 2 minutes is probably a good amount. Otherwise you probably need to look into a VPS, you might just be outgrowing shared hosting I'll look at the code and see if there's anything I missed, though
  10. How many flights were going on? Do you have timestamps with the logs? 30 seconds is still pretty frequent.
  11. Okay, I haven't tested it on Windows 7 because it's discontinued, but if it's working for the most part, that's great. I think the issue is you're missing a font that comes with Windows 10. You'll have to find a place to get it from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/segoe-mdl2-assets See if this works: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/segoe-ui-symbol-font#how-do-i-get-this-font
  12. I need to update the screenshot. But blank grey boxes... what Windows version are you on?
  13. Can you try the latest beta? I think I've got a workaround for this issue
  14. Hi, Can you try the latest beta version?
  15. Can you open a support ticket and I can look at the license problem? Is this an older install? I've seen that the env.php had SITE_URL instead of APP_URL so it's not detected. The logs should have some more info too
  16. Have you shut the engines down? There is a new setting to not require the engines being shut down to end the flight
  17. Nabeel

    ACARS Units

    Everything internally is stored in imperial units
  18. Nabeel

    ACARS Units

    Units in ACARS are just in lbs, etc for now. I have it as a future enhancement to display in the selected units
  19. I'm on Comcast and it seems to be working. I'd contact their support. https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/vmshost.io.html
  20. You have to disable in the phpvms settings the option where the aircraft is restricted
  21. There are these two settings, the second should show them as a single value
  22. Hi, send me a support ticket. You can try reissuing the license too
  23. All they need to do is extract it into a folder and maybe create a desktop shortcut. There's instructions in the README, that has a link to the docs, but you can also just send them the docs directly. They shouldn't need to go into the other files there https://docs.phpvms.net/acars/install-client/
  24. Not really - it's just all included because of the auto-updates. The server-side stuff is really small anyway, and I just keep it included because if there are changes there, I'll have it in the changelog and then it can be updated by an admin. It's virtually useless anyway without a phpvms install and a license key I haven't come up with a good way to distribute that separately yet, especially for communicating if there are changes/updates.
  25. The code is signed now, so hopefully needing to add it as an exclusion in anti-virus shouldn't be necessary anymore. Once it gets run by enough people then Windows should also start to recognize it more.
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