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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel

    front bids

    Fixed for next beta, sorry. Didn't realize I was including that module with the default install
  2. Mitchell, you don't have to do all that. Simply, in the local.config.php, change the line: Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); To false. If it's not there, just add it (it's in the app.config.php). My comment text there was wrong, I'm not sure why I didn't say to just change the line in the config. My bad.
  3. I don't think FrontBids is officially included? I can't remember.
  4. You'll have to add: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".tablesorter").tablesorter(); } ); </script> To your header.tpl. That will enable the tablesorter for any tables with the class tablesorter. http://tablesorter.com/docs/
  5. There is a DB::debug() somewhere in the code for your latest bids
  6. Hmm.. I don't think those characters are supported in a URL. Just use non-accented characters for now.. I will look into this
  7. Look at my post above, I posted to tablesorter which will work. I think it's even included already in phpVMS as default
  8. I've attached the latest StatsData (haven't commited it yet). You can see some of the changes I made (mainly using the SUM() function, and using a column name on counts instead of * which is faster) I'll implement the pilots online, once that's completed. Great job, thanks! StatsData.class.zip
  9. Cool. I'm going through the code, I will optimize it where I see, and also I'll be returning values instead of echoing out (Any *Data classes should be returning data). I'll post it once I do that for you to check out.
  10. Cool, if you can do it in StatsData I can just roll them up that way. And it won't break going forward
  11. You could use a PHP one but that would require modifications to the Data classes. Javascript would be the easiest to implement
  12. Rev 744 - Option to block more than one bid, ACARS updates16 September 2009, 8:07 amRev 744 - nabeel (7 file(s) modified)Option to block more than one bid, ACARS updates~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/bootstrap.inc.php~ /trunk/core/classes/Util.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php~ /trunk/core/templates/pilot_public_profile.tpl~ /trunk/core/templates/xacars_config.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  13. Mmm not easily, but it is possible with some effort...
  14. There's a few threads about that, if you search around
  15. You can do that for when you retrieve a message (check who it's meant for and who's reading it). But my meaning was you can query on just the mail ID. In those functions which retrieve the data, it's good to just use that as a single identifier, and then check the additional stuff in the controller (it's a bit cleaner)
  16. You could also do (for instance, right in a template) if (Auth::$userinfo->totalflights <= 5) { echo 'license key information'; }
  17. Would you like me to roll this into the official? It will be "StatsData::..." instead
  18. Yeah, I have that thread and the logos, haven't had the time to really set something up. But I guess that's what vaCentral will be for
  19. Nope, straight PHP. I'm not really a fan of smarty
  20. I've commited a release, let's see if that helps. Can you turn on ACARS_DEBUG in local.config.php, and send me or post the log that's in /module/ACARS/log.txt, hopefully there's some hints there
  21. If you want it to, unless you want to get it as mysite.com/folder_name
  22. Latest phpVMS version, or the beta? Did you completely remove FSACARS and re-install and try from there?
  23. Delete all the files, then try again
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