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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You're missing a float, or there's an extra </div> closing tag in there
  2. Guys, run the install/update.php then try. There was a table update. Hopefully that's the issue
  3. Alright I will try to check it ASAP. That's weird.
  4. You have to set the file/folder as writeable For the beta, it's like an update install. Just extract it, and run the /install/update.php
  5. Oh, you have to run the update script with every update
  6. Can you do a flight against the dev site? I did a fresh install on it so you'd have to register again, but logging is on
  7. Sometimes permissions get reset on an upload
  8. You may have renamed a class or id somewhere in the template
  9. Check your permissions in the core/pages folder/files. Should be 777
  10. Revert to default template and go from there.
  11. Is it showing up on the vms site? I'm assuming you closed it out and all in xacars, right?
  12. What do you mean it's your current location?
  13. It'll require some coding, I think there was a module for that though
  14. Did you set that page as public in the admin panel?
  15. Flights stay up for 12 hours or whatever time you set in the config file. To upgrade to beta, download the beta, upload it and run the update.php. Do note, there are still bugs and errors in the beta, so be weary of that
  16. If you're modified the profile_main.tpl, then you have to add into it the line from the default profile_main.tpl which has the link to the xacars config
  17. Have you tried a different aircraft? Maybe it wants avionics shut off?
  18. Simpilot nailed it. You can simplify the code with this: <?php echo "<img src='http://www.yoursite.com/{$route->code}.gif'>"; Just make sure an image exists for every code you have
  19. They're coming, yes. Timescale? I don't know, I was hoping a little while ago. But I think I will release in conjunction with vaCentral, so I'd say I dunno, a month maybe?
  20. Isn't not available yet, unless you use the beta
  21. Then you need to write some PHP code to loop, something like this: $break = 5; $i=0; // This loop should already be there foreach (.....) { if($i%$break == 0) echo "<br />"; $i++; }
  22. That's FSACARS. I can't control how it reports all that. It doesn't give me a heading to do a directional icon. However, XACARS does so I might have it do directional. Also, yes, it draws from A-B. There's no navigational data to draw routes
  23. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1098.0[/iurl]
  24. Use line breaks after each image: <br /> or enclose them in <p> (paragraph) tags
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