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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You can block the flight, but not further bidding. I can make this an option though. Added as pending
  2. Are you sure you're setting the directory and the files? Set it to 2777
  3. Looks great! A few suggestions: Instead of $username=$_POST[username]; $whofrom=$_POST[whofrom]; $subject=$_POST[subject]; $message=$_POST[message]; You can use $username = DB::escape($this->post->username); $whofrom = DB::escape($this->post->whofrom); etc That will give you a sanitized version before you hit the DB. Also, you're using the full pilot code to store a pilot's data - I would use just the ID without the code. Reason being an admin can change which airline they're in, so if you stick with using just the Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, that will take care of that. Also, you're passing the mailid in alot of the data functions, you don't need to check the pilot ID, since the mail ID will be unique. Looks good though, good job!
  4. If you want, I can integrate this into the class which already exists - StatsData.class.php, for the next release. The user's online will be included as well since there's now session tracking. Looks good though!
  5. Which ACARS program are you using?
  6. It's written automatically. The only case you'd have to create a blank local.config.php is if the installer can't do it automatically. It will let you know in that case.
  7. http://docs.phpvms.net/development/00_how_addons_work#how_addons_work
  8. Once Google releases the v3 of their maps API, you won't need an API key. Hopefully they'll do it quicker
  9. 1. It will remain indefinately, until it's removed. 2. There's a setting for that in local.config.php. I don't remember if it's enabled by default, I don't think it is.
  10. Make sure /home3/pulseair/public_html/members//lib/signatures/ Is writeable, as well as all the files in it.
  11. Nabeel

    An Issue

    That's a tough problem - usually you can't stop them from check out your source/downloading images. You can setup an htaccess file to protect directories - I did put blank index.php files in some directories, but obviously the skins and stuff can't be protected that way. I'm assuming you use Apache, try some of these links out http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=htaccess+protect+directory&aq=f&aqi=g1&oq=&fp=29d519f5a662511e This is faster http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=htaccess+no+index&aq=f&aqi=&aq=f&aqi=g2&oq=&fp=29d519f5a662511e
  12. Hey, You're not gonna get people to help you that way. It seems like you're completely new to this. I would start with www.sitepoint.com and learn some basic HTML, etc, then read through http://docs.phpvms.net/ and the support topics. Either that, or pay someone to do it for you.
  13. I would read your host's documentation on how to do these things, or ask them for help on how to do it.
  14. Moved to support. Caching should be shut off. It doesn't need those lines though. I would contact your host... it shouldn't be giving that open_basedir message, since it's within your home directory...
  15. http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#installation
  16. I would contact your host. Perhaps PHP 5 is not installed.
  17. Seems like you're not running PHP 5
  18. You will be in the next version
  19. Yeah, when you get a PIREP then it usually will go away. There's a bug somewhere in that library; I'm waiting on a bug fix
  20. You can implement Javascript pagination using tablesorter: http://tablesorter.com/docs/ http://tablesorter.com/docs/example-pager.html Your site looks good, btw
  21. Wrong forum, post in the support forum, not vaCentral
  22. Is this on the main page? There main page one loads up afterwards by AJAX.
  23. You're missing some PIREPs somewhere. I'm thinking of replacing those charts... they're not very good
  24. Nabeel


    Update to the latest version, you're missing a template
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