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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Look in the templates, there's code in there that says "if accepted"....
  2. Did you try echo $pireps[0]->arrname;
  3. Sorry!! It's because I lied. It's actually $schedule->flighttype The name (flighttype) always will match the column in the database. The only exception are airports (there's depicao/depname and arricao/arrname)
  4. Thanks alot! I'll be fixing these
  5. In pilot_public_profile it would be: echo $pireps[0]->arricao; That should be the last one
  6. Try $report->arrname. In public profile, I'm not sure, I'll look
  7. I just realized this isn't a default feature. In the profile_main.tpl, you can use <?php echo $report->arricao; ?> Should give you the latest location
  8. You have to put it into the schedule results or the schedule page itself. I think it will be $schedule->type (if $schedule is the variable used)
  9. I can't get to it either. I think their service is down. I haven't made code changes to that. Let me find out what's going on
  10. Yes, you'd use the SSI function in combination with the registration module - just replace the phpBB specific code with the ones from the SSI
  11. Have you tried text-align:center?
  12. It should be once you accept a PIREP. I'm looking into this, it's marked as pending
  13. Yeah, there's this thread too http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1137.0 Seems as though geonames is having some trouble, so wait a little while. Did this just start happening?
  14. That's from the geonames server. Close the dialog, and then try again
  15. Yeah, don't worry about the build log. It's about 45 min behind, it gets updated on a schedule. When you goto http://downloads.phpvms.net/ Click the "beta.version" file, it will tell you the latest version that's in the phpvms.beta file.
  16. Rev 742 - Xacars PIREP error30 August 2009, 3:26 pmRev 742 - nabeel (4 file(s) modified)Xacars PIREP error~ /trunk/core/common/ACARSData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/SchedulesData.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  17. Rev 743 - Xacars PIREP error30 August 2009, 3:27 pmRev 743 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)Xacars PIREP error~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  18. Give it a shot now, the beta should be up in a few minutes (the build log is slow to update). Build 743
  19. Excellent, thank you. I'm working on it right now
  20. What do you mean? The downloads module was included as of last release In the template you have to change it to show the image. I think I had included instructions in the template
  21. I may have fixed that as part of the latest beta versions, but it will be fixed as part of the next update.
  22. Yes, I think that one is public_profile.tpl
  23. If you just update to the latest beta, it'll take care of it. Just run the install/update.php And hm, you get a notification but not a PIREP. Can you turn on ACARS debug (local.config.php, ACARS_DEBUG to true), and make sure hte /modules/acars/log.txt file is writeable and empty, do a flight, then either attach that file or send it to me? Thanks
  24. The config file - there are new lines there, but I guess since you're looking on Windows, it doesn't recognize them. But the program does see the newlines there, so that should be ok. What do you mean the PIREP was there, but no data? Always update all of the files, sometimes I do multiple updates in a day (like yesterday or the day before there were 3 commits), so you'd have to update every file listed for each commit from the last update you did. That's why it's just easier to update it all.
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