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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1104.0[/iurl]
  2. Sounds like you're using the beta. Try using the latest released version. But, first login on the main page, then goto the /admin URL.
  3. Nabeel

    Live Map,

    Check the admin panel, lower right hand corner, for the version.
  4. Nabeel

    Live Map,

    Exactly which version are you using? Did you edit that pilot's template?
  5. I'll take a look, don't know if it's possible right now, never thought of that. If not, I'll add it into the beta for next release
  6. Contact your host about that, maybe try FTP in passive mode?
  7. Nabeel

    Live Map,

    What version are you using? Is it the latest? I think this came up before, if you do a search you should be able to find it
  8. What do you mean? It's in one of the frontpage_ templates
  9. Nabeel

    Live Map,

    Also, it looks like you're missing the javascript includes in your skin. You should be doing: http://docs.phpvms.net/skinning#skin_elements
  10. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1094.0[/iurl]
  11. Nabeel

    Live Map,

    That error is on your side: /home/gamernew/public_html/fly2there.co.uk//core/cache Set that path to writable,
  12. Copy the code from the route_map.tpl or acarsdata.tpl I think it was
  13. I need airlines who: Have at least 2/3 PIREPS a day, and MUST be using the financial side. PM me, thanks
  14. In your pilot center, you can download the config file for xacars, already setup with the URL's etc and has your pilot information entered. If you modified the profile_main.tpl, just copy the line and add it to your template from the default one in core/templates.
  15. Also changed how the fuel pricing works, I save the fuel price for the PIREP now, so you can edit the total used and the individual per-unit cost of fuel and it will save that/get the total. Instead of changing the total amount. You can see this way what price was used for the fuel
  16. Found some problems, will be fixed in next beta
  17. Nabeel


    Also, please don't cross post across different forums. One topic is fine
  18. Nabeel


    Use the StatsData::<function> http://docs.phpvms.net/api For instance <?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?>
  19. Yes, but I don't get that log to be able to parse. Xacars doesn't send the log to the site, only displays it to the user. I'll ask the developer
  20. Use the StatsData::<function name> functions: http://docs.phpvms.net/api
  21. There are no raw-logs provided by the xacars client
  22. Ah okay. Upgrade to IE8 if you can. IE7 is quirky. I will try to fix it once I can get a hold of IE7 to test
  23. It's still being worked on; what's the exact error?
  24. Which IE version is that? Try using Firefox for now, I'll fix it for the next update
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