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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel

    Skin Release

    That kinda detail with integration etc, weather and all that is upto the VA to do, I don't think a generic sample skin should include all that
  2. Nabeel

    Skin Release

    Well it's good for examples and showing how they work
  3. Hey, There is a section that shows the latest PIREPs filed
  4. Changed the confirmed column to the value of 1 What user did you delete? You can't delete yourself from the admin panel. Then in the groupmembers table, add your ID and the admin group ID, then you should be allowed in
  5. That was in the plan for the last release but didn't make it in
  6. Hmm, yes, using the SITE_URL will help, tho I'm not sure how that fixed it Well, as long as it worked
  7. Check out sitepoint.com as well, I picked up alot of great CSS tips from there. Also smashingmagazine.com
  8. Instead of index.php, point it to action.php
  9. It seems as though that did the trick, I've posted it into the beta and committed it, thanks!! Helps having fresh eyes look at it
  10. Yes you could re-set the auto-increment point but I wouldn't recommend it if you have any pilots.
  11. An odd one, make sure there's no whitespace on top of the page inbetween the top and the <?php tag, that could be causing a problem with output buffering. Otherwise I will investigate further, this is an odd problem
  12. Hey, You need to give these files write permissions: /lib/js/jquery-front.js /lib/js/jquery-admin.js
  13. Hey, check the FAQ forum, there's a topic in there which links ya to the docs
  14. Well, fittest meaning those willing to put time into it. There's plenty of resources and everyone is helping each other so it is not so bad I think
  15. Hey there, Welcome to the site. It should be, but there is also an RSS feed, the icon should show when you enter the admin panel. I'll double check this Thanks!
  16. Hey, In your page, you don't need to re-add the header and all that, because it's already done. So this portion: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Nexiss Air Rules</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style7 { font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } --> </style> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #CEFFCF; } .style11 {font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial;} --> </style> </head> <body> And the corresponding footer, remove all that
  17. Hmm that sucks.. it doesn't really if it's properly setup. What host?
  18. Hmm it should automagically do that, have you changed the header file?
  19. Those headings are in the other templates for the page you want. You'll have to look for the template in the folder, but you should be able to recognize it. That CSS bit should go in the header.tpl, make sure that paths are right too. I'm going to have a list of the templates with what they're used for filled in, soon Hope that helps!
  20. I try to keep each beta build in working condition, except for new features which may not be always complete
  21. Hey, Did you select an aircraft, and the schedule ID matches up? There is a bug with using the PILOTID_OFFSET, a non-zero value, that'll be fixed soon
  22. Ok, the hours problem is fixed in the beta, it's in downloads.phpvms.net
  23. Nabeel


    Hmm, I didn't notice that. Did you copy the login form, with the hidden fields? Around the login form, you have to put the Auth::LoggedIn(), there's another thread somewhere in this forum
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