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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Can you try in Firefox, and check the error console? OK I can dupe this in IE, odd. I'll have 'er fixed
  2. Yeah I'll have a patch out in a bit to fix that
  3. <input type="hidden" name="ipaddress" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];?>" /> It shouldn't goto a blank page. Lemme check
  4. There's a conflict with class names in using their routine
  5. It'll just show in the main window. Not getting that error either? Hmm, ok. Refresh your cache and make sure the /admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js is up to date Also, check the error console on firefox for any errors. Goto tools, error console, clear it, and then try adding and see if any errors show up
  6. Ok, let's try this, /admin/modules/downloads/downloads.php, line 131, there's this: DownloadData::AddCategory($this->post->name, '', ''); After that line add: DB::debug(); Then try adding a category, and post in the debug text, hopefully we can see what's goin' on
  7. Hm, is the file in install/templates? I needs that folder too, the entire install folder
  8. Yeah, you need the phpBB SQL to insert a user to add into there
  9. Nabeel


    There should be a background folder (/lib/signatures/backgrounds), the backgrounds moved into there, then click regenerate (since pilot can select their background now in their profile) I detailed it in the changelog
  10. Does that table exist? the *_downloads table?
  11. Can you post the errors up? I'm going to post up an update soon
  12. Oh crap I left in debug text. I'm gonna update that file in a few
  13. Ahh gotcha. I'm a command-line monkey so I usually do it that way. WinSCP also I've found is the best for ftp'in
  14. I have a class named template, and phpBB does too, and the : include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.php'); Is probably also including their template class, conflicting with mine. I'm gonna try to find a way (not sure if I'll get time soon) to find a way to insert it directly into the database instead of using their code to do it, since it's conflicting
  15. Just the 2 new files from the updated download should do it, and run the update.php, that should do it (I hope! ). I've noticed some people are uploading, but the files don't fully upload (Filezilla seems to be the main culprit), so make sure of that, that's why I usually tell people to reupload first. Sorry about that man!
  16. Ahh phpBB probably has a class named Template already. Is there a way to do it just using SQL instead of using their code
  17. I'll take a look in a few and see what's going on
  18. Hmm, the map is showing up for me, the graph hmm. Try clearing your cache and all that, in IE/FF they look the same
  19. For missing aircraft you need to set it in the schedule which aircraft it's using. Dupe'd schedules, seems like you're using legs on some flight numbers. Legs aren't used anymore so just renumber/name those flights
  20. I updated the installer.class.php and update.php in the binaries that are uploaded (both the full and update), try just uploading those two files and running again.
  21. Oh, your table prefixes are different. Then you run the update.php it'll change the phpvms_tablename to the right prefix+tablename. Are the table changes ok? Try: CREATE TABLE `vaaswv2_downloads` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pid` INT, `name` VARCHAR(50), `link` TEXT ASCII, `image` TEXT ASCII, `hits` INT, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE `vaaswv2_expenses` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , `cost` FLOAT NOT NULL , `fixed` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vaaswv2_financedata` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `month` int(11) NOT NULL, `year` int(11) NOT NULL, `data` text NOT NULL, `total` float NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_aircraft` ADD `maxpax` FLOAT NOT NULL AFTER `cruise`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_aircraft` ADD `maxcargo` FLOAT NOT NULL AFTER `maxpax`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_aircraft` ADD `enabled` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_airports` ADD `fuelprice` FLOAT NOT NULL ; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pilots` ADD `bgimage` VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'background.png' AFTER `salt`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pilots` ADD `joindate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pilots` ADD `lastpirep` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_expenses` ADD `type` VARCHAR ( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M'; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_schedules` ADD `maxload` INT NOT NULL AFTER `flighttime`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_schedules` ADD `price` FLOAT NOT NULL AFTER `maxload`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_schedules` ADD `flighttype` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P' AFTER `price`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `load` INT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `fuelused` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 5.10 AFTER `load`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `fuelprice` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 5.10 AFTER `fuelused`; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `price` FLOAT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `flighttype` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P'; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `pilotpay` FLOAT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `expenses` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `expenselist` BLOB NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` ADD `source` VARCHAR ( 25 ) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vaaswv2_pireps` CHANGE `fuelused` `fuelused` FLOAT NOT NULL; And I found a bug with my version number update, just do: UPDATE `vaaswv2_settings` SET value='1.2.600' WHERE name='PHPVMS_VERSION'
  22. Then you need to create that table (copy it from the install.sql), then re-run the update.sql to make sure the rest of the changes are there. Then run the update.php again, I'm puzzled as to why it's not updating that version number.
  23. It will completely ignore the flight leg. But it only checks on the flight number now, so if there are dupes then it might log the wrong one.
  24. Can you paste the exact error? Could be phpBB which is complaning
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