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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Err, it didn't bold properly in my post. This line: $this->register_error($mysql_error($this->dbh), mysql_errno($this->dbh)); Remove that $ sign
  2. Yeah, that's a known bug. To force a rank? Increase their hours, since ranks are controlled by hours. I could code in to override it, but everytime a PIREP is filed, it'll get overwritten.
  3. Hey there, Welcome to the site! And not yet, there are different groups, but there's no real 'functionality' to it yet. In the next version (after this upcoming update), I'll be adding in different permission levels which will give access to different parts of the admin panel.
  4. Yeah, it's not populated right now with the latest pirep. I should perhaps have that in an update
  5. Cool. When you update, use the 2nd one I posted, saves a query:)
  6. It's been fixed in the update, but that error is when it can't to the database. It just shows the error message. If you goto that line (core/classes/Mysql.class.php) Change that line from: $this->register_error([b]$[/b]mysql_error($this->dbh), mysql_errno($this->dbh)); To: $this->register_error($mysql_error($this->dbh), mysql_errno($this->dbh)); (Remove the bolded character). Did permissions on your database change? A user get removed?
  7. try this <?php $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); echo date('d.M.Y', strtotime($report->submitdate)); ?> But since you're using the beta, you can do now: <?php echo date('d.M.Y', strtotime($pilot->lastpirep)); ?> I thought it made sense to just automatically log that.
  8. I try to make notes of which templates have been edited, so then you can transfer the changes easily. But I recommend using WinMerge or something to see the changes as well. I try not to make too many changes to the front-end templates, but sometimes it's inevitable. Either way, ALL those templates in core/templates are overwritten on an update As for that forwarding, it doesn't differentiate between login and logout. But perhaps I'll just have it forward to the main page all the time. Edit: It is supposed to forward to the main page (this is on logout): Template::Set('redir', SITE_URL); Template::Show('login_complete.tpl'); That redirect on login should really be changed in the login_form.tpl: <input type="hidden" name="redir" value="index.php/profile" />
  9. Oh wow, I did not include a field for that. Including that now...
  10. Well, technically, it can be done, since PIREPS and schedules are separate from each other. But financials bring a layer to it, since when you file a PIREP, it looks at the schedule to determine the price and the load factor for the flight. That's a one time lookup. So there would need to be a way to translate that information without it being on a schedule to look it up. And then a way to figure out/translate flight numbers and codes. If people have suggestions, I'm open to them. One way would be to attach the load and price to an aircraft - but different routes have different prices, even though it's the same aircraft. Could be a fallback maybe, if there is no schedule, then refer to an aircraft. But, different aircraft can be used for a flight, but perhaps it'll use the registered aircraft. Then a case for... if there's a free flight, and someone enters a code + flight number, and it conflicts with a scheduled flight... It can be done, just needs to be hashed out. But I'm open to ideas/suggestions (perhaps for the next update)
  11. Oh, no, there has to be a schedule existing. I'm trying to think/figure out a way to do a free flight type thing but it would be tough
  12. instead of echo $redir do <?php echo SITE_URL ?> That'll goto the base url, then you can specify index.php/??? wherever, or just forward to the home page
  13. You can log in but not get into the admin panel? You have to add yourself to the user group, so find your ID in the users table, then find the ID of the admin group (I think it's 1), then add a row in the groupmembers table, with your user id and the group id
  14. What do you mean? Free flight type?
  15. Not right now. It should be automatically corrected in the next release. Though there may be some offset from beforehand. I've been adjusting it manually in the places it needs to. It's a bit complicated, because FSACARS and FSPAX have their own formats of sending it
  16. Nah, there's a general guideline on how registrations are done in the real world, you can follow that, or just assign any ol' value to it. The system doesn't match up the registration with the schedule when you file a PIREP, so you can use any aircraft. The aircraft you assign to a schedule is just for reference
  17. It's still doing that in Firefox? Or did FF fix it. Those drop down menus are a pain No worries it'll be all over soon
  18. Well, grab a fresh copy of the template from your core/templates folder (I hope you were copying it to the skin folder) The line is: <option value="">Select your airline</option> Around line 14 or so
  19. Your host might be, in the other topic you were having the map icon error, but I don't think that's the issue. Make sure you're entering the complete flight number (code + number) and the pilot ID properly (code + ID). There were some other problems, but, I hate sayin it, but the next update Should be next weekend I am hoping.
  20. Yep, that's just a bug with the update checker
  21. Hey Alessandro, make a new topic, but make sure you have PHP 5+
  22. It's coming in the next update. If you have access on your server to settings, check if the setting in php.ini allow_url_fopen is set to "ON"
  23. Where are you getting $report from, are you getting their latest PIREP? $report has to be assigned to something, for instance: http://phpvms.net/docs/api/phpvms/PIREPData.html#GetLastReports so <?php $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); echo date('d.M.Y', $report->submitdate); ?>
  24. How are you getting the last pirep? What function/which template
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