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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. They should be, maybe it didn't get copied up the first time? I rebuild the release, the repository does have the latest stuff
  2. Yeah, wait a couple hours until it reindexes, sorry. Sometimes there's a collision and it just drops the values
  3. They are being exported, it's an erroneous error message that's (hopefully) been fixed. Sorry for the delay, I was unable to get to it earlier
  4. They are getting exported, its an erroneous error message
  5. Can you ping vacentral from your server?
  6. Sorry, I had tested this when you initially posted and forgot to reply I don't see any problems... what problem are you having?
  7. You need to use the API calls for this, it's one line. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?category=6
  8. File a bug report at github (link in my profile), and I will get around to fixing it soon
  9. That will break the saving of the rank, as it's relying on the the ID being in the value
  10. You should be using the API to edit schedules, etc
  11. Broken how - can you give me steps to repro? Just do it in your original bug report, I'll reopen it..
  12. Add a custom field, make it private so only admins can see (if that's what you want)
  13. I can pay, send me a link to your portfolio, and some pricing based on per-page basis. I have a concept, just need help with some definition... just stuff in photoshop. PM me, if you are interested, or know of anyone...
  14. Are you still having problems?
  15. What's the bug, always shows the lowest rank - you mean it's not showing what the person's rank is?
  16. What issue? I don't have a bug report in Github, I believe, for any vaCentral issues Check the beta, and if there is a problem, please file a bug report. Otherwise I have no way of keeping track
  17. You can change the code field as a hidden field, that works too, if you don't want a code option
  18. We have quite a few addons, which is great, but the problem starts happening with keeping the latest versions, and sometimes people have stuff uploaded to different places, and then hosts go down or change, and some of the stuff is lost. I would like addons to be uploaded to Github or Bitbucket (whichever you prefer, though Github is better for reasons you'll see), as a public repository. It's not too much extra effort, but it ensures that 1. your code is available 2. people want to improve your code, it's easy to do so. It's free. 3. every knows what the latest version is This is the important part: I have also created an organization at Github called "phpVMS" (https://github.com/phpVMS), to where I can fork and add your code in - this way everything is organized in one place, available and accessible for everyone. I believe it's a great way to get more participation, and also to use the tools that are currently available.
  19. Yeah, I agree with Tom; that stuff is completely visual and is in your templates/skin, nothing to do with any of the code. The default skin doesn't use the HTML5 opening tags, but that's easy to change, but has no impact on anything else
  20. Yes, the code that's generated for the custom fields needs to be "exact", it relies on the proper naming of the fields. Ideally, for formatting issues, fix them via CSS, but that's not always possible. That error is a database error saying the fields didn't match... your code field is missing? It seems like you added a bunch of fields to the pilots table - those should be custom fields (because if you hardcode changes, you'll have troubles updating later on)
  21. Changed Files: m admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js m admin/templates/pilots_groups.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml fixed #57 ajax issues when adjusting pilot groups View complete changes Download from here
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