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Everything posted by joeri

  1. hey all i wanted to create sertain pages but only visible for a select user group in my dropdown. i tried it with a modified version i found here on the forum but no luck annybody care to help me out here. thanks
  2. Klikken allen

  3. i had this also and i solved it by editing the localconfig and getting all the infor for mail out there and only filling in email sender and that was it working like a charm again
  4. 15 euro voor het ganse setje

  5. Gaat ge naar het stort om rommel weg te doen krijgt ge er nog geld voor. Hoppaa

  6. i would like to say good luck, and i hope you take the advice from strider and get in contact will give less problems in the end. on the other hand one thing that sends me strait to the close button is an unfinished site open for action. iff its not yet done keep it closed ot al least comment out the parts that are not done but all the "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt moll" makes me wat to closes and never open again :-)
  7. i think this is a smartacars error and you schould contact the developers off that as it has nothing to do with phpvms
  8. Rapport van sam was weer heel goed alles gestegen dus we zijn weer tevreden

  9. Zo lening herzien van 4.15 naar 2.84. Op de ganse looptijd toch nog iets verdiend

  10. www.crazycreatives.com
  11. sir it looks like you are mixing things up.iff you don't know what you are doing or need help with the basic phpvms install just ask someone to help you as now we are trying to tell you something and you do a differnet thing . phpmyadmin is used only to alter something in the database when all fails in phpvms. normaly you can do all within your site
  12. energieleveranciers pffff gansters zijn het. bel je voor beter tarief en hoe het zit met een smart thermostaat. ahh mr deze **** u kopen voor 200€ maar voor nieuwe klanten is hij gratis. Luminus Energie en bij essent zit deze er wel in en betaal ik minder dan toch maar eens omgaan van leverancier

  13. Konijnenhotel bijna klaar enkel de nok ramen en deurtje nog. Nu nog de beestjes

  14. then i would go for apvacars
  15. haha this is correct advertising. i have both and both a simmular its up to the person who uses it :-)
  16. you can goahead and create the code for that then you will not need to pay for it
  17. http://www.crazycreatives.com/downloads/flight-position-tracker/ look here
  18. goed filmpje kijk uit naar de volgende

  19. its showing for me
  20. en zieke nr 2, nu ligt wendy op de zetel

  21. how are your days setup
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