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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i blocked you account for illigal use of copywrightted stuff

  2. Mahmoud me and the other members of Aeolus Alliance wish you all the best with the restart of arabian. good luck and blue skies
  3. and iff you delete a pilot with more then 1000 flights they will also be lost how will you do that?
  4. yes indeed Tom i am not so keen of IOS but thats the verry old and borring i like you like
  5. iff its was an droit app i would be verry intrested in some sort off admin part app
  6. looks nice iff you ever need a tester let me know
  7. dammit Ian we need an release date . take you time we will see it when its done :-)
  8. yes jasper can the developer off the software
  9. i would go for internal and not outside the admin part
  10. i sertenly like this iff it would be free thats verry great iff it would come at a fee then its like that and its still great
  11. why is my phpvms then working without anny problems
  12. i am not sure what all your problems are but i don't have anny problems with my admin side.can you reupload the install folder and look iff all your files are on the server as they schould be?
  13. so you just ignored a fix from somebody and used a way that will give problems again iff there is an update
  14. looks nice. i only need to brush up my german :-)
  15. Whether you’re going to Pisa for pizza, Fashion in Milan or just want that early morning coffee in Rome you can always call on ItAli Airlines Virtual to provide the best service all all over Italy and also Europe. If you like flying older planes like the METRO III than this is the place to be. ItAli Airlines Virtual Provides a great fleet base which includes older and also newer planes like the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Currently on delivery) (For more fleet information please visit the ItAli Airlines Virtual Page). ItAli Airlines Virtual there are no boundaries to be successful. Work from second First officer to instructor and enjoy the fun of flying over the Alps in a DC-9. ItAli Airlines Virtual also has a couple of subsidiaries as well with them and they operate flights in Spain as well and if that’s not enough then why not try out some of the tours they offer. We are glad that ItAli Airlines Virtual have chosen to be a part of the growing community here at Aeolus Alliance and offer them support as well as establishment a great bond with other airlines in the community. It gives great pleasure from Joeri and Manuel to welcome Daniele Caporrella and the staff at ItAli Airlines Virtual and wish them a successful future ahead. http://www.aeolusalliance.com/ http://italivirtual.com/
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  16. joeri


    you can ask that on Jasper as he is the designer off that product
  17. looks verry nice but like all the others i don't like that the enduser needs to register. iff it where a "va license" i would defenetly look in to this
  18. never change annything in the app.config.php it enouph to change it in the local only
  19. instead off offering hosting you might want to first get your own website done
  20. i know you prefer not to do so but you could hook to the tour_pilotdata and let it look for anny finished tours quick example your hook could look for a sertain tourname and check if its done as that is shown in davids module and then award the corresponding award but thats only an idea
  21. good luck. only sad to see that your skin is used so manny times before
  22. the video is also not working for me so so the problem is not his rig i think
  23. Angelos i prefer mixing the vanilla with the choclade . and indeed let us all use our prefferd software and let the others be with theirs.
  24. there "might" be someting wrong with your server as it takes ages to load
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