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Everything posted by joeri

  1. haha scott great that saves me a lot off typing :-)
  2. i won't set it to 1 as that can cause problems i have it set to 10
  3. thats an malware addon in your firefox or chrome or IE
  4. did you run it as admin? and it also m=ight be the module that is a different version
  5. looks nice sadly using sb or fsinn i still find the other online members looking verry bad over at IVAO they created way better models and look much better
  6. so you are going to just steal the images form a different server?
  7. lol
  8. Hey angelos i like the skin only thing i would change is not the login button disapears when scrolling down ad the rest of the menu stays. might want to change that for the rest nice and clean site
  9. It is with great pleasure that the management of Aeolus Alliance can today announce its new partner airline Flydubai Virtual. It is great news for the Allaince as this establishes us in the Midle East said Director Joeri Luckermans. With a modern fleet of B737-800 Flydubai serves Manny destinations in the Midle east on a daily base. for more information you can visit following links. Aeolus Alliance FlyDubai Virtual
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  10. i got a sneak previeuw from manuel and i was imediatly in love with the wonderfull site. so good luck on operations and hope you get it off the ground
  11. with phpvms all pireps are linked to a pilot so iff lets say i have a pilot with 500 pireps all for 5 hours each i would lose 2500 hours in totals so in the end the statistics wil not reflect the real flown hours or pireps of the airline insted it show what curently is in the database
  12. i was thinking something simular
  13. hey all i am not sure iff it has ever come up already but i could not rmember or find it. i want to delete pilots who are not flying annymore but i want to keep theyr pireps does annybody ever found a solution for that?
  14. Tom never said my time is more precious. chase i locked the other post on request of the TS thats something we mods do. Chase i personaly think iff Nabeel still had the time to see what was going on here and how deteriated the new members here are then he would feel even worse. in the beginning new members even tried to do things themselfs or look for a solution and help others. now most try to get a top$ for something they just started. why the hell do you gents think most major developers here aren't showing new stuff on here they just lost instrest because off all the s*** here.
  15. LOL on your picture you look verry jung(still a kid) so your time is not even by far precious from the moment you work and have kids and have a house to pay for then time gets precious but when you are a kid time is something you have in exess.
  16. to all with the error try the following in your commen change the husstransfer class the part for the get all requests to the following $sql = "SELECT h.pilotid, p.firstname, p.lastname, p.email, p.hub, h.hub_initial, h.hub_req, h.date_submitted, h.reason, h.status FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer h LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots p ON p.pilotid = h.pilotid"; $ret = DB::get_results($sql); return $ret; this fixzd mine thanks to the help of manuel from crazy creatives
  17. voor de autosport liefhebbers onder ons van wie is volgende quote?"If in doubt, flat out"

  18. joeri

    New PHP

    my host lets me choose what verions i run per hostpackage curently running my va's one 5.3
  19. one suggest drope those parrots in the background its making my eyes goe
  20. Locked
  21. yeah chase i think you ara completly correct in that. and you might want to reflect that on yourself. and by looking at your staff list it tells me alot. as for you impulse i would try and upload a good theme or get one made and then good luck on working out your va hoping you get it off the ground
  22. lol my pilots who use xplane just use our TNTacars(advanced kacars) with xuipc and it works fine. and like ed is telling you won't find a developer to build a custom mac application for only 100 bucks iff he would be able to sell it largely then he could sell it for that price but for 1 customer you will never find a dev to do that for 100$
  23. joeri

    New PHP

    simpilot has an extende verion on his git but you will also need to change every template to .php i belive this is somewhate updated to later versions off php
  24. heerlijk avondje met bjorn en kev nu bedje in

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