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Everything posted by in2tech

  1. I am just on a test v7 server right now. So when you make an airline Inactive by Unchecking the Active box. Would it effect members that chose that airline in Registration? Could there be any problems there? Just checking since Most of us are just testing still.
  2. Anyone tried this yet, to see if it works? It's been awhile since I have this stuff, might have to relearn
  3. Look in the v7 Support area under Addon's and Downloads. There is an ACAR's by a member here and I think the developer of phpVMS v7 is working on one too, and won't be available for awhile. The other I think is already in the the testing phase. Of course with everthing still in development it could be awhile, but I think it is a good idea to test it as according to the developer the basics should not change much, I think, only he knows for sure But I think I am right about the basic part of it. I hope. Best of luck!
  4. Was just wondering if Nabeel updated his hosting yet to run PHP 7.1, 7.2, etc... Anyone know?
  5. Just wanted to say very nice work from the screen shots, keep it up! Looks amazing!
  6. Thanks to all the moderators and administrators that take care of this site. Much appreciated!
  7. Customized File New PIREP form page: Nothing fancy, just a little more compact. I like it! It's also the Edit PIREP form: A few minor alignment issues I need to fix.
  8. Alright so after Nabeel ( developer of phpVMS 7 and original phpVMS ) explained this to me, and I am sure he will chime in here when he has time. The way I understand it is that the text in his original default v7 theme and in v7 that will be showing to users is a Laravel library I think it is called and instead of entering code like I did below in my nav.blade.php file below ( chopped up code not complete ). Well not really code but TEXT for the navigation names: <ul class="nav topnav"> @if(Auth::check()) <li class="dropdown active"> <a href="{{ route('frontend.dashboard.index') }}">Dashboard</a> </li> @endif <li><a href="{{ route('frontend.livemap.index') }}">Live Map</a></li> <li><a href="{{ route('frontend.pilots.index') }}">Pilots</a></li> You would instead include the Laravel library language code so that it will display for different languages, say like Spanish. How it does this I have no clue! But this is what you would copy over from the default nav.blade.php file. There is also a language file and can't remember where it is, with a bunch more options. <ul class="nav topnav"> @if(Auth::check()) <li class="dropdown active"> <a href="{{ route('frontend.dashboard.index') }}">@lang('common.dashboard')</a> </li> @endif <li><a href="{{ route('frontend.livemap.index') }}">@lang('common.livemap')</a></li> <li><a href="{{ route('frontend.pilots.index') }}">{{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }}</a></li> I thought this would mess up my text and so forth from my template, but it has not yet, and should not. I also can't remember the {{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }} code meaning cause I looked it up a long time ago.If I remember correctly the number 2, makes choices this instance between the singular PILOT and the plural PILOTS! I am still learning! Hope this help's someone. I almost sure you DON"T have to use the language files, it's up to you.
  9. Cool, makes total sense now!
  10. Although I am still going through the Laravel 5.7 Tutorials, I don't grasp these instead of just test yet? But I did find the master file, just trying to understand why these instead of text. Is it like a CSS file one reference takes care of them all? Or something like that?
  11. Apparently too simple for my brain to comprehend Thank's to both of you!
  12. So it was you Once again Thanks!
  13. Whom ever fixed it, Thank You!
  14. Making room for the future, when I find more info to put into the duplicate table with different info hopefully! Latest Profile page. Now I can't stop I would like to have total va hours, miles, total pilots, total passengers, etc... info if anyone knows how to do that already? Thanks!
  15. I'll have to add this to a table or something in the future, but here is the reformatted Profile page. Or the start of it I like it just have to clean it up When taking screen shot's although the info is bogus, get used to not showing your API key, email, etc... Luckily I noticed right away, although it's all bogus! That was close
  16. How can I edit my Title on a post I made? Can I? Specifically I want to add the word TUTORIAL to my Customize a v7 template to a v7 Theme! Thanks!
  17. I am gonna try and make a few video's of changing the content on pages like Dashboard, Home, etc... but I don't really have a method to my madness at this point, so I will try in the future to make one that hopefully people will understand although I am not exactly sure. I edit this and then I edit that, and I test, and it does not work, so I try that etc... until I get some kind of result I like so it's kind of hard at this point to make a video. Maybe when I get better at it. Having said that I did figure out why my map, registration, filing a pirep, etc... was not working. I had to put this code above all my script's at the bottom of the app.blade.php file. Something like this: As you can see the required phpVMS 7 file references are now ABOVE my Javascript library links and now most items work properly although I have to format a ton of pages! Best of luck to every one. Also, I said in the first video I knew nothing about these files so ignore that and copy these links from the default Theme in the app.blade.php file into your Serenity app.blade.php file and although it might look horrible, the map, flight's, pirep's, registration, and such should work, SHOULD! Let me know if anyone tries to follow my first 2 video's and get the Serenity template basic's working in v7? Good luck!
  18. Who knew you could use the new button group in I think bootstrap 4 for the pilots info? Not me, until I tried, and it looks pretty good! No cookie cutter here Now it's starting to be fun! Have to say though, doing this part takes a lot of time and trail. You screw it up, you try something different and a ton of trouble shooting, for me at least!
  19. Well you know v7 is not for a LIVE virtual airline right? If so that's for sure version 7 as it is the only one that gives you that Whoops Error Free host? If so not sure it will work and it takes PHP 7.1 to be able to run on your server! Let us know!
  20. Yes, you should use phpVMS 5.X for a virtual airline at this point, as v7 is still being developed, and is still in the testing stages. You CAN install v7 just to have a look around, but there are still thing's to be worked out. Have no idea when v7 will be in major release to public, but if you like learning thing's you should TRY v7, just to mess around! But NOT for production of an actual VA!
  21. Your welcome and the customizing existing template to v7 theme tutorial is up now. At least the first two parts in the series. People should actually be able to get started at least now, the ones that know nothing at all, hopefully! Have a great day, let us know about your progress in the future!
  22. Just some screen shots of the work I am doing on the template. Might be kind of hard to explain this part in a tutorial but I will try at some point! Number 1: Number 2: Number 3: A lot more work to do as this file point's to that file and you edit that file and then it point's to another file, and then you have to find where the button is to match your site, etc... I am learning a bunch and for the most part it is fun, for the most part Just nice to know we can have our own customized theme in v7! And yes of course we can, but we have to figure it out, and that's the fun part, mostly! Tell me what you think?
  23. Alright so for the longest time I wondered what some of these were, such as @lang('common.dashboard') , which I now know are references to display names. Are these referenced some where and we can change them or choose from a list? Not sure what these mean, {{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }} , or what the number at the end means. Just wondering. I know we can place static text where we need too to replace those! Thanks!
  24. Here is part 2 of how to customize the navigation from the Serenity template and convert it to work with phpVMS 7! Sorry about some of the sniffling through my nose and some loud cough's! phpVMS v7 Navigation - Part 2 How do I edit the title as I want to add Tutorial to it?
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