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Everything posted by tutmeister

  1. I believe you need to be looking at the local.config in your test skin as it overrides the main one.
  2. No to take work away from myself or any of the other web developers on this forum, but knowing people won't pay for a decent website for their VA, I would recommend to everyone here looking to have something other than the norm to go to themeforest.net to purchase very high quality templates that you can easily convert into custom skins for phpVMS. Codecanyon, its sister site, does high-quality scripts of all kinds and GraphicRiver has great ready to go graphics. It's how I roll when I have a customer that needs something on the cheap--as I too have to feed my family, but any business is better than none, so I do cheaper work in between the bigger stuff. In fact, I have larger organizations that just can't afford cost-prohibitive websites that I customize a ready-made template for to save myself the groundwork, such as our county sheriff's office and other offices of local government where every penny is scrutinized.
  3. I absolutely read your post. I took the time to reply to you because I believe there are ways around your dilemma, they just involve time and effort. I was a member of Unity Security Force for 10 years as well as having served 11 years in the military in real life, 5 of which were as a pilot, so I know a thing or two about tasking a virtual military community. They are a VSOA on VATSIM through my and others hard work. We utilized an operations board where we created tasking for operations, alongside regular occurring routine flights, and we entered those routes into the database of our custom system, which is not too dissimilar to phpVMS. Pilots could then file a PIREP when they'd completed the tasking. So the effort would be to create a form that a pilot would submit with a route request, which you'd then add to the database and assign a flight number. If you're confident in PHP, this wouldn't be that difficult to setup as an automated system that added it if they pilot had sufficient user rights. Then they could open ACARS, fly the route and submit the PIREP. Thereby random flights become scheduled through a workaround system. You then wouldn't need to utilize charter and wouldn't be "penalized" as you believe you are.
  4. Taken from http://fs-products.net/index.html So the only thing I don't think it can't do is v-speeds. I think it could log your max flight level, but it doesn't AFAIK.
  5. Maybe not my place to say, but as a professional web developer, popups on page load are considered pretty much a no-no because the user didn't ask for it. Therefore, you'll find that the popup will get blocked by most modern browsers and some search engines might even penalize you as spammers utilize this technique to force users to see an advert. Just some friendly advice.
  6. It's not another version of phpVMS that is needed for you, but a separate leader board on VACentral that ranks you based on other factors. That seems to be your dilemma. However, I don't see the problem as something on Nabeel's side, but yours. See, I believe you can likely figure it out so that you can be considered equal by doing the following: Tips for great success Enter proper flight times in your schedules Create a route for each of your charters, so this can be achieved. An airline with 30 pilots and 20 active will rank better than an airline with 100 pilots and 40 active Nothing different about your setup with this bullet point Use an ACARS program for best accuracy for fuel and flight time Nothing different about your setup with this bullet point Make sure you have prices for all your routes (if you don't, you still have to pay for it!) As point 1, create a route and fill out all details properly. However, just simulate the cost as an expense you'd bill to the tax payer...a little role-playing, like changing your stats page to have a heading such as "Cost-effectiveness to the taxpayer" is a way to simulate the cost and have fun. Enter expenses properly - you will be audited (like the real thing!); if there are no expenses, you get docked $20,000/month As above point, simulate the expenses as taxpayer's cost of running your unit. Using the live fuel prices gives you extra points As above point.
  7. *BUMP*
  8. Certainly when these days we are getting massively undercut by the likes of themeforest.net and freelancer.com, where people resell the same stuff over and over and make their money that way. I've purchased some very nice templates there for 30 bucks myself for projects and personal hobby sites...
  9. I develop websites for a living too and $750 for a skin is expensive, although I fully understand that you need to make a profit. Unfortunately this is a hobby market and the rich ones who can afford this type of custom site are few and far between. Now if it included some custom coding with modules not available elsewhere it would be closer to being worth something towards that--but for just a skin it most certainly is not.
  10. Yes, I am Dutch, grew up in Scheveningen. I live in the USA now.
  11. That's exactly what I needed to know, thank you sir.
  12. So just to confirm, our plan to select a default aircraft will work fine? Thank you for your help.
  13. This might not be the correct forum, but I am trying to find out where the aircraft in the PIREP is being reported from. Is it the aircraft in the schedule the pilot has bid on? The reason is we're trying to implement routes that can be flown by any aircraft and I don't want 27 number of aircraft types in our fleet) different flight schedules for each route. So I thought about adding a "default aircraft" to every route and then allowing the pilots to select the actual aircraft being flown from the dropdown menu in our customized kACARS. So our question is will that work? Will the aircraft we select from the dropdown be reported on the PIREP, or is it the one from the original schedule (in our new plan that would mean every flight flown would be with "default aircraft")? Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
  14. This table is huge in my database and I'd like to run the following as a weekly Cron Job: <?php $connect = @mysql_connect("localhost","username","password"); if (!$connect) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } @mysql_select_db("database"); // DELETE empties the table $query = "DELETE FROM `phpvms_sessions` WHERE `logintime` < date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 DAY);"; mysql_query($query); ?> Is there anything other than storing current login details that this table is responsible for that I would be screwing up by doing this? The reason I am doing the above is that I have changed the MySQL table to the Memory Storage Engine and I don't want more than 2 day's worth of sessions loaded into memory.
  15. Awesome, bedankt!
  16. No what we're actually doing is changing it all completely. When we started we started at 001 for one hub and 200 for another. Now we run out of space, we'd like to make one hub start at 1000 and the second at 2000. So flight 001,002,003,004,etc will now be 1001,1002,1003,1004,etc. and flight 201,202,203 will now be 2001,2002,2003. So essentially the old routes just won't exist anymore. I wanted to make sure that that won't break anything. Sorry this is confusing, I'm not the best at explaining what I'm trying to say!
  17. OK, there are three different answers and someone marked them all -1. I'm very sorry about that, as I'm sure at least one of you is correct. Joeri, I tend to believe your answer the most, as you say you do it monthly. Could you answer this: If I change the flightnum, it should only affect the amount of times that route is flown in statistics, correct?
  18. If I were to change existing flight numbers to a number that never existed previously, will this screw up the PIREP history?
  19. Fixed, thank you guys. The airports were indeed not in the database. I recently moved to a different server with better performance and took the opportunity to upload the full navdata and airports SQL files. So as I had 21600 airports, I didn't expect KORD, PHNL and other major airports to not be in there. So I'm guessing when I imported the SQL files, something went wrong. But all is good now, I appreciate your help.
  20. A whole bunch of my routes have the same distance, 4674.1nm, regardless of whether I run the recalculation script. I have cleared the cache and optimized the tables just to be safe, FYI. I am running the latest version of phpVMS with no schedule modules installed. I appreciate any help I can get to resolve this other than going through one by one and changing the distances, as it's quite a few!
  21. Unity Virtual Aviation Community - http://www.unityvirtual.net/ - since 2001.
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