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Everything posted by tutmeister

  1. Very nice. What did you base your calculations off? <div><br></div><div>By the way, you have your images linking to your site. Do you really want everyone hotlinking? I'd suggest repacking it with the images available for individuals to self-host!</div>
  2. tutmeister


    What is the location of the file this is in, and what extension did you use for the file (php, inc, htm...)?
  3. You're welcome.
  4. Is there anything we can do to strengthen our site against FSFK? I use it personally, but I don't allow FTP access with the upload of the route map, etc, as I saw that as a security threat form the get-go. Is there something else I am missing that is a threat?
  5. Create a class in your CSS file like so: .redBold { color: red; font-weight: bold; } Now in the above code, change Line 22 from: echo $daysleft . ' days left until you are marked as retired'; to: echo "<span class="redBold\">".$daysleft."</span>" . '<b> days left until you are marked as retired!</b>';
  6. It'll still be an arcade piece of crap. It's the worst flight simulator I have flown in awhile, although it will be great for younger folks to get into the world of simulation. For experienced simmers and realism fans it is a no-go I'm afraid, with or without 3rd party addons.
  7. Unfortunately you get what you pay for and free means crap service and problems with this software. Fivedev offers great phpVMS hosting for only 7 bucks a month, that's 2 friggin' coffees from starbucks.
  8. take a look over at w3schools: http://w3schools.com/cssref/default.asp http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_sprites_hover_nav
  9. Chad, just wanted to say that most elements of the template you have been using are open-source, so there is nothing stopping you from using blueprint, or 960.gs, or a similar templating system and porting the entire thing across by rewriting the HTML and CSS. Just re-create the graphics yourself and release the skin as your own as you will have done all the work. There's only a certain amount of ways to create a webpage, so it's not ripping people off by re-creating someone's work in a similar manner.
  10. You could always start a Tom Cook; Thomas Chef; TCV; TCook, etc. Just don't actually use their name or logo, but use their schedule and fleet. Then allow pilots to fly whichever livery they want, but offer links to the Thomas Cook liveries.
  11. Remember that your airline is very niche. If you follow real-world Hawaiian Airlines you have a limited fleet and limited routes, so quite possibly it isn't enough to keep the average person happy. Which is why airlines that offer flexible fleet and routes tend to fair better unless the pilot is a huge fan of the particular airline you are simulating. Look at VACentral and go see the top airlines, see what they're doing right and try to create your own way of doing it right based on what you've seen. Don't copy though, just use them for inspiration.
  12. Chad, it's because we've had quite a few people ripping off other developers here in recent months and tempers are flaring about it mate. So the mood here is expecting every new release to be a rip-off, pretty much and if you get permission to release this correctly it will be the best thing to happen in awhile in the skinning section, I am sure--it will set an example for the younger and the less honorable folks out there to follow. So thank you for trying to do it the correct way.
  13. First off, it looks very nice. Second though, sorry to pee on the parade, but the themeforest template this is based on doesn't have the option for an extended license, which is what is required if you want to distribute this and even then, it's not allowed to be distributed when it looks just like the original. So you will not be allowed to release this until you seek an extended license from the author and change the look of it extensively. You can find these rules here.
  14. The documentation link at the top of the forum has an area dedicated to "skinning" phpVMS. That should get you started and then you can ask more specific questions down the road, when you get stuck. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?category=5
  15. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  16. Yeah, enjoyed Ipswich for many years, I moved around the local outlying towns quite a bit actually during my time there. Very much enjoyed it, Oklahoma isn't anywhere near as beautiful, nature-wise. Also way too many things that can kill you for my liking LMAO!
  17. Thanks for the reply, Bobby, I'll be looking into this on my next project then. Incidentally, after checking your website I realized that you're in Suffolk and you have a team member in Oklahoma. Random off-topic fact: I've lived in both places (flew Apache at Wattisham for a couple years then emigrated).
  18. Hopefully in the new year. I'm on satellite internet right now, so my latency is far too high to enjoy any kind of server-based gaming. But I'm looking to move closer to civilization in March...so fingers crossed. Let me know what you think of it, I have very high hopes this will be my WoW (which I never did like), as I'm a Star Wars fan.
  19. Bobby, what's the average memory footprint? cPanel can be a pig at times, so although it's very nice, to save money I more often than not skulk back to boring command line administration which I'm not the biggest fan of. So a GUI that isn't memory-intensive, yet still can do the main things required in server administration would be great.
  20. Your CSS files don't have the basics in them, such as setting a default font for the body. Your best bet is to look at using a reset.css file and linking that, or setting body in your CSS with a default font and font-size. There are various reset css files out there, notable ones include Eric Meyer's original one, Yahoo reset, 960.gs reset, Blueprint CSS.
  21. Tom, <map> element is not outdated, in fact it has made it's way to HTML 5. What is outdated, is the usage of image maps for navigation, for which Target.com was sued in 2008 by the National Federation of the Blind, whose members complained that they couldn't browse correctly using their screen reader. This meant that Target.com was foul of US Section 508 and they were fined 6 million dollars. However, since then (and before) there has been this rumor that the <map> element is bad. But it's not on its own, as long as you use it correctly and determine your audience and design appropriately. In fact, even Section 508 explains how you should use it correctly. So in this case, in the case of a Virtual Airline, I don't expect blind virtual pilots to be logging on, so can easily avoid the hassle that CSS floats and the like can bring to a new developer by using an image map for a trivial navigation link to an external source. As you can see, ALT tags were used above as recommended by the Web Standards Group, W3C and Section 508.
  22. You need to use the HTML tag <map>. You can find more information here: http://www.w3schools...ags/tag_map.asp For you, it'll look something like this: <img src="http://www.canforce.org/lib/skins/crystal/images/topbanner.jpg" width="969" height="144" alt="CanForce" usemap="#canforce-header" /> <map name="canforce-header"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,162,72" href="http://www.vatsim.net/" alt="VATSIM" /> </map>
  23. Absolutely helps, thanks for the update!
  24. I have the full version now and have worked out a couple of the kinks; I am focusing on the position reporting issue for now. By folders, which do you mean? I am simply using the default FSFK module that ships with phpVMS, so am I missing a pertinent step here? <div><br></div><div>Just for clarity, my position is reported on the ACARS map correctly with the "enroute" flag displayed, that I know from other threads is the only flag FSFK sends. However, it isn't reporting them on PIREP submission, so I've simply got a Dep an Arr icon, which if it wasn't my PIREP, would look suspicious!</div>
  25. LOL sorry I was purposely necrobumping. It is that exact module I'd like, yes, but I'm not sure if David was still working on it, or whether it was to ever be released. If not, I'll crawl back in my hole and get coding again!
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