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Everything posted by tutmeister

  1. I've looked through SchedulesData, but no luck in finding anything that gives you the duration of a route. It can probably be done through subtracting the departure time from the arrival time, but then if it goes over midnight the code gets a lot more complicated and I was wondering if there is an API function for this already. So route duration in either minutes or hours?
  2. Thanks for the update Nabeel, that's what I thought. I have used them before and setting up was as simple as following their guides, including hardening the security and setting up firewalls, etc. I didn't have much linux experience back then, but it was still easy enough to do and I enjoyed the learning curve. With your hosting we are running great, but we do still have the same issue with kACARS throwing an error, which seems to be down to the size of the airport table. Which is a shame, as we enjoyed having the full 23600+ airports and a huge navigation table, but have since cut the navdata table and removed all <4 alphanumeric airports. This has all but stopped the errors, so it was the issue seemingly. I just don't know where to start to chase down any inefficient code, or other issue that might cause this problem. I do wonder how sites such as Phoenix seemingly run great on FiveDev with all the bells and whistles running while our little corner of the net struggled with this until we did what I mentioned above.
  3. Have the name servers had time to propagate? If they have, you might just need to clear your temporary internet files (or do a hard refresh a couple times, CTRL+F5).
  4. That's an interesting idea. Instead of rejected, maybe there could be a third category that denotes a poor PIREP and so all features go through except for the pay (or perhaps a percentage of it).
  5. Absolutely sir, I've seen the OP's other posts and chose to ignore them as I had nothing of value to add to them. Although I don't post much, I do lurk and I've just noticed that the forum is getting a little unfriendly as of late. While I completely understand why (trust me, I do), it isn't in the best interest of phpVMS to be rude and discourteous (which is why I choose to ignore certain posts) and phpVMS is why we're all here after all, so that should sit at the back of our minds when we post as it's in everyone's benefit that phpVMS gets more popular, thus bigger and better. I don't mean to be rude myself, merely displaying an objective opinion.
  6. Tom, regarding your first point, had it occurred to you that he might not speak English as a first language? Regarding your second point, I agree, but not everyone knows that I'm afraid, which is where friendly advice comes in.
  7. Here you go: http://community.mybb.com/thread-35598.html Don't give up so easy on great forum software.
  8. Probably not the correct answer, but a longshot as no one else has answered you. Have you tried running the maintenance script to clear the cache?
  9. Search the forum for Random Flight Generator. It does similar to what you want, so might be a start for you.
  10. We settled on Nabeel's own Fivedev.net, mainly to indirectly support phpVMS by purchasing from Nabeel but also to take advantage of the great price to performance ratio provided. It is clearly optimized to run phpVMS installs and setup was a breeze. I've got my entire site transferred in under 24 hours (with less than 4 hours actual work, the rest was sleep and waiting on domain name to propagate).
  11. Nabeel, I've used Linode myself in the past, but never for a phpVMS install. Our current host, mediatemple (gs), seems to be having drama with the amount of database calls between kACARS and phpVMS. So I'm considering moving our site to Linode but would like to know if you feel a linode 512 is sufficient for a forum and a phpvms install to run alongside each other without issues. I see this website is hosted on linode still, but I don't know if you've plugged a couple linodes together or what. I've only had our site on mediatemple a little over a month, so don't want to move again and find out it won't work. I can't afford to keep both running concurrently, as otherwise I'd try adding the phpvms first then the forum when I'm comfortable it works fine.
  12. http://www.jetlanticva.com/ ?
  13. tutmeister


    You're welcome. Do you have it working yet? I've been working on it myself, but my lack of knowledge surrounding the way phpVMS works is showing. This is my current code, just FYI. It's not working, but it explodes the HH:MM, allowing you to add the hours and minutes to the API call in theory. What I really need to know is why the API call won't work. I can echo it in single quotes, so it should work if I replace 12:00 with it, but it doesn't--very frustrating. $returnedString = '12:00'; $returnedTime = explode(':', $returnedString); //$time = strtotime("now +{$returnedTime[0]} hours, +{$returnedTime[1]} minutes"); // Or this $time = strtotime('now +' . $returnedTime[0] . ' hours, +' . $returnedTime[1] . ' minutes'); print gmdate('H:i T', $time);
  14. tutmeister


    Yeah, sorry yesterday was a long day. I have a working code below, but it doesn't work in phpVMS as the only way I know of getting the remaining time is to use the API call <%=flight.timeremaining%>, which won't parse within PHP code (or at least not to my knowledge). So I haven't answered your question, but you might be able to work on it using this (you can manipulate the time by changing the hours with strftime: <?php $time = strtotime("now +07 hours"); print gmdate('H:i T', $time); ?>
  15. tutmeister


    Untested, but I believe the following will work: //Displays time remaining <%=flight.timeremaining%> //displays: 17:59 UTC <?php $remaining = '<%=flight.timeremaining%>'; $time = strtotime("$remaining"); print gmdate('H:i T', $time); ?>
  16. I thought the checkbox for All Pilots included inactive pilots. Looking at the numbers on my site, it seems like it does include inactive members. However, if I'm wrong, you could always create a group to move inactive pilots to manually and phpVMS will automatically create a checkbox for that group under the textarea.
  17. OK, I believe I have solved my own question. In Core/Modules/Schedules/Schedules.php on Line 161, change: $depapts = OperationsData::GetAllAirports(); to read: $depapts = SchedulesData::getDepartureAirports(UV); $arrapts = SchedulesData::getArrivalAiports(UV); Where UV is your airline code. In lib/skins/yourtheme/schedule_searchform.tpl, change starting on line 32: <?php if(!$depairports) $depairports = array(); foreach($depairports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao .' ('.$airport->name.')</option>'; } ?> To read: <?php if(!$arrairports) $arrairports = array(); foreach($arrairports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao .' ('.$airport->name.')</option>'; } ?>
  18. It also does this is FS crashes and reloads, as the fuel invariably changes slightly.
  19. When searching for a route, the default schedule search when searching under destination and arrival airports shows a HTML select with options for each all airports. As we have 23000+ airports, this causes a huge unnecessary burden on our system. We'd like to limit the search to airports served by our routes only, so could someone help me with the code for this? I've looked through the API, but I don't have a test install environment right now, so can't afford to screw it up!
  20. I'm running phpVMS on Mediatemple's Grid-service, where I have been a customer for 5 years now. I have always noticed latency with database-driven websites there and phpVMS is no different. I have the full navdata and airport SQL imported that I found here on the forum, so especially the schedule search is slow. However, we've started to get reports (and I have seen first-hand) of our custom kACARS crashing and throwing errors throughout our flights ("the underlying connection was closed"). I'm assuming this has something to do with the .NET keepalive property, but am guessing that the connection is not staying alive due to the nature of the cloud-based hosting, with requests being bounced around internally between the clustered servers. So my question is, should I upgrade to MediaTemple's VPS hosting or is that overkill for a small phpVMS install? We only have 30 something pilots now and a couple years ago had 1500 active pilots on a custom php application (not at mediatemple). So when we actually open our doors through marketing, we expect a large influx of pilots and want to ensure we future-proof our website now prior to that possibility. My other question is: Is this something that a hotfix to kACARS could fix? As other than this and a slow loading schedule page due to 23000 airports being loaded, we have no complaints at our current host. Thank you for your assistance.
  21. This is a good point. I know we can verify on the VA staff level using kACARS that a pilot hasn't used time acceleration, which is against our policy, but how does VACentral check to see if this has been utilized?
  22. Sorry Mark, I only just saw this reply. I'm not sure but I will take a look. It might possible kill all open sessions, but the issue at hand, for me at least, is not the amount of sessions. It's that it stores a record for each session which in turn unnecessarily is bloating my database with a year's worth of sessions (well not anymore, as I've run my script to delete them). My host (mediatemple) has a limit on the size a database can be, so I try to get rid of unnecessary bloat.
  23. Mark, no I don't currently do that but it is very simple to do so (in fact, I need to actually get off my butt and do this soon). You can look at some of the (reverse to what we want to do) examples to get some idea as to how MyBB functions: http://phpdave.com/MyBBIntegrator/
  24. I don't believe there is as it is not a .dll. However you can have it automatically start alongside FSX, which might help. You need to edit your EXE.XML, found in your %appdata%\microsoft\FSX folder. You will add the following to it (make a backup first): <Launch.Addon> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Name>UVACars</Name> <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\FS Products\UVACars\kACARS - Unity Virtual.exe</Path> <CommandLine /> <NewConsole>True</NewConsole> </Launch.Addon> You will need to substitute the UVACars for kACARS under name and the path will be different too, i don't have the free version installed I'm afraid. this will open kACARS when FSX launches.
  25. Check out MyBB, it's a free board with similar features to vBulletin, is super-lightweight and easy on the eye with some very good themes. Take a look at a free them I'm using here: http://forum.unityvirtual.net/
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