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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. I suggest you contact the skin developer.... 209 Studios. https://www.phpvms.209studios.com/
  2. The developer of APVacars is not presently actively developing his ACARS. At present APVacars is NOT compatible with phpVMS v7. See quotes from developer above. There have been no updates on the status of APVacars since July 2020.
  3. If you are using the BlueIce skin by 209 Studios, I suggest you contact the developer of that skin. https://www.phpvms.209studios.com/
  4. It might help if you told us exactly what skin you are using.
  5. Just to be clear - the README.MD file in phpVMS does NOT instruct you to change anything in StatsData.class.php or any other file for that matter. What module or addon are you attempting to add to your phpVMS install?
  6. Do you mean the phpVMS image? In /lib/skins/crystal/images - rename topbanner.jpg to topbanner.jpg.ORIG Copy/paste your image in this same folder and rename to topbanner.jpg If you are using an addon skin, you will need to find the associated banner and rename it in that skin folder.
  7. If you are on shared hosting, you probably can't do any tweaks to PHP. Contact your host and have them set it up.
  8. Do as Doug suggested and get the latest development build from the phpVMS discord. Using beta 4 just isn't going to cut it.
  9. Did you verify you installed Leaflet/OSM correctly? Maybe check it again Any chance you tried changing the map or map provider? Did you change local.config - Config::Set ('MAP_TYPE'... to reflect "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik"? Line should read: Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'); <---- need this one And the old line either deleted or commented out.... //Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'G_HYBRID_MAP');
  10. Suggest you read this in its entirety - https://docs.phpvms.net/ Then re-read the installation section again Be sure your hosting supports the requirements
  11. There is no free ACARS solution for phpVMS v7 at this time.
  12. Have you looked at the aircraft table in the database? I believe there is an "airport_id" field. My guess is that you need to include that "airport_id" field in the aircraft CSV file and have an actual airport ID in it before you import the aircraft file.
  13. There should be a file called "error_log" in the root of your phpVMS install and possibly another in phpVMS root/admin. Error reporting must be on. Contact me via PM and maybe I can take a look.
  14. Pretty sure they apply via the registration page. Once they do that, you approve there membership via the admin panel.
  15. Can you post the actual entry from the error log?
  16. That skin is for the frontend. The Airport Lookup is on the backend - admin panel. If you are using the default admin panel skin it should be fine. Did you import the phpvms_airports_update.sql file as indicated in the directions? Do you have error reporting turned on? Check the logs to see if any errors related to Airport Lookup or VACentral are shown - maybe3 a Cross Site Error. Post any errors here.
  17. The vacentral server is up and correctly providing airport data. The entry above looks correct - check your other entries to be sure they are correct. If it still doesn't work.... What phpVMS version? What PHP version? What MySQL or MariaDB version? Have you changed the default admin skin?
  18. I still don't know where that field (status) came from.... but I did find this updated module.... LOA v 1.0 https://github.com/Cloudxtreme/phpvms_loa
  19. In looking at my original module files and what is on my site, I have no idea where the status column came from or what it actually does. It may have something to do with my pilot manager module, which hasa column to mark pilots on leave. If I find out I will post back here.
  20. The "You already have an LoA on file...." works on mine. I don't know anything about the loa table having a hub entry. Mine doesn't have hub - but does have status after reason. What PHP version are you using? What MySQL/MariaDB version?
  21. Just ignore it. If it really bothers you, you can edit the module files to remove the check for updates. Of course, back up the originals before messing around with it.
  22. What version of phpVMS? What PHP version? What MySQL/MariaDB version? Does the site load correctly with the default crystal skin?
  23. What version of phpVMS are you using? Did you run the SQL file to add to the database? This adds a new table for the LOA module.
  24. Read thru the docs again https://docs.phpvms.net/ Double check you have the hosting set up correctly.
  25. What was the issue?
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