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Everything posted by HighFlyerPL185

  1. The index file doesn't solve the case for me sadly How can I do this through cPanel?
  2. I have uploaded my site online for a test, however a security question arises. How do you set the permissions correctly on templates and PHP files, so they can't be saved by someone but at the same time work on the server without throwing errors?
  3. Not an expert on kACARS, but I often found the errors were usually present on third-party scripted applications, often with support of .NET Framework. Reinstalling it, updating did not help at all, and the only reasonable solution was a system reinstall, which stopped all the errors from occuring.
  4. How do I add to this so it only displays flights that fly on the day? Also, my statuses weirdly are not working. It just always says 'On Time' for Arrivals or 'Departed' as Departures. if(($flight->arrtime - date('G:i')) >= 1 / 60 * 1) { echo 'Landed'; } elseif(($flight->arrtime - date('G:i')) >= 1 / 60 * 10) { echo 'Landing'; } elseif(($flight->arrtime - date('G:i')) <= 10) { echo 'On Time'; } if(($flight->deptime - date('G:i')) <= 1 / 60 * 1) { echo 'Departed'; } elseif(($flight->deptime - date('G:i')) <= 1 / 60 * 10) { echo 'Final Call'; } elseif(($flight->deptime - date('G:i')) <= 1 / 60 * 25) { echo 'Boarding'; } elseif(($flight->deptime - date('G:i')) <= 2) { echo 'Check In Open'; } else { echo 'Scheduled Departure'; }
  5. Damn, you were faster Sorry, I replied without seeing your reply, but hey, might as well be of use. I believe Sava is talking about these options here, as you can see, mine are set to false. # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false)
  6. I suppose, I'm just a newbie to PHP and henceforth queries and statements like foreach are still beyond me. To put it bluntly, I haven't done much so far to develop that knowledge
  7. Nice idea, quite easy to do. The task above is a bit harder though
  8. Sorry for being a pain in the backside, but I am having trouble implementing the query in. I've wrote a foreach statement, but it's probably wrong and embarrasing, hence it's showing a Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(). Do you have any example of how I'd implement it or maybe which variables I should use for the foreach statement?
  9. That's a nice board mischka Thanks for your reply However, I am struggling to put your query into a table, how can I achieve this? I'm slightly bedazzled by this, and I was wondering whether foreach would be the way to do this? I have changed the table prefix into phpVMS_
  10. Thanks for your reply Sava, I did mean schedules indeed. How would I find the closest ones to the current time, but only so it finds after the current time? It would be useless to have schedules that have already departed, I guess
  11. Hi there, I am considering creating a Departure board, however I was wondering how can I extract a selected number of upcoming departures? For example, next 10 or 15 departures.
  12. Thank you
  13. Right, sounds like every proposition has a drawback. I guess I'll have to properly sit down and think about it thoroughly. In the worst case scenario, I'll settle for the schedule disable on the day. Where would I add it to the data query? Would I have to add it to FrontSchedules.php and into the findflight public?
  14. Thanks simpilot, useful as always. I'm using your FrontSchedules plugin, hence probably why, I imagine? That leads me onto a cheeky question, is it possible to remove copyright and add a much fancier, neater link (or an entire table row and a paragraph ) in a partners page to your website, or would that invalidate your copyright rules? Also, for some reason on the default schedule search, I have a string from a Javascript popping up, and not exactly sure how one links to another. The Javascript is just time and data displayed on the schedule_results.tpl. In regards to question two, I am aware of the method you've posted above, however it's a bit of a nuisance to remove the schedules on the selected day. Someone might like to book a flight ahead for that day, if they're busy, therefore I'm wondering if it can be somehow resolved.
  15. Hi there, I am running into a brick wall with some of the issues over schedules, and as a result, I have a few questions. 1. I disabled some of my schedules, but they still appear for some reason in the search results, any ideas? 2. Has anyone got any code or suggestions on how to do a thing where, once a user books a flight, it will ask him for a day to fly it on? With that, it will reject the booking if the flight isn't operating on that... date, and accept if it is. 3. What is the format for entering flight time into a .csv file? Is it HH:MM as in the admin panel? Cheers.
  16. I got it as far as this, but I still can't include the template into the page I only managed to make it appear as a link. <div id="briefing_idTab2"> <?php $depairport = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); ?> <?php echo '<a href=" '.SITE_URL.'/index.php/airports/get_airport?icao='.$depairport->icao.'">'.$depairport->icao.'</a>';?> </div>
  17. Basically, you get this because it is what we call a BOM. Acronym for Byte Order Mark. You have probably tried to enter Polish characters, and as far as I'm aware (not too sure?) phpVMS isn't set to UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 unicode standard by default (or it doesn't support it? Jesus, I'm on a roll here...), and the system interprets it as that. Therefore, according to the Byte Order Mark table, you get the little string to inform you that it doesn't like these characters. If you're using an editor, you have to tell it to not use BOMs or use a different editor to stripe them out. Additionally, there is a good bit of information in regards to phpVMS on the forums and in the documentation, to develop your knowledge on it sufficiently to be able to produce a website with all the things you require or desire, so you can promote yourself even higher
  18. Apologies for a bump, but figured I'd post it here, rather than ask a new question. I'm trying to include airport information into schedule briefing, to display Departure and Arrival Airport information, and I'm failing. I want the code to gain the ICAO from the schedule. Any ideas? I was thinking, include a template, but then how do I tell the template to search for information from $schedule->depicao? <?php Template::Show('airport_info.tpl'); ?> <?php echo OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); ?>
  19. The first one, LiveBoard. I imagine the descriptions explain what each board does. You could use UTR too, but not sure how it works.
  20. Interesting find, I wouldn't be the only person that would love having this, but I have no idea how to implement this, nor have I ever looked at Google Maps in detail. Any ideas? Could work potentially on this.
  21. As far as I'm aware, it's sadly only possible with Custom kACARS. Not sure of any other possibility to be fair.
  22. Fixed now.
  23. It works, but it doesn't display the time like in logintime, but I'm sure this will do fine Thank you.
  24. Please remove the question, I fixed it by reinstalling twice (don't know how that made it work) phpVMS.
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