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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. No ad block and I can see the ad on the home page. I can log in with my email address. If I attempt to re-register it, I'm correctly told the email address is in use. I can get to these pages, but when I go to save the second one...500.
  2. Ahhh, so this thread is about ratting someone out? Also, are you sure their site doesn't have it. Theoretically, they could have the text color match the background color. You'd never see it, but it would be there.
  3. I get to the point where I fill out the form, but when I submit I get a 500 on IE or a blank white background on firefox or chrome. If I'm the only one it is happening to, the possibility is that it is something at this end. The browsers are set to allow cookies from vacentral.net. Are there any 3rd party cookies that may be on my poop list?
  4. Somebody let me know when there is a thread about our least favorite airline.
  5. I agree. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to. It's a very small price to pay for something one got for free.
  6. Oh this is so funny. Everything I do, always winds up in a food fight. :D Maybe a Russian dill pickle.
  7. No joy. I've now tried 3 different browsers, including Google Chrome. It just displays an all white page. Maybe, I'll watch TV. BTW, the page I'm having the problem with is http://www.vacentral.net/profile/addairline/ I had thought the registration totally failed, because the "change password" button points to a non-existant page. I tried registering with a different email address, but that did the exact same thing. There's nothing worth watching on TV.
  8. It's been me, about six times. I get the 500 in IE and a blank page in Firefox when I try to register the airline. I will give it another try. I have to take a break from redesigniing my web site. When I actually get something to work, I'm afraid to mess with it for a while, so I'll do this, instead.. At least, the last time I tried, I copied the "paragraph about the VA, so I don't have to type it all over again.
  9. According to a couple of the HTML sites I've looked at, they claim there is, but from what I can see, it is complex enough that I would surely screw it up. I might go for a regular hamburger with a slice of red onion and a pickle.
  10. You know me. If anyone can break something, it's me. I'll give it a try.
  11. Oh no. I'm at my best when I'm grumpy.
  12. I'm grumpy, this morning, so I'll apologize in advance. Over a year in development, but the sign up page allows you to sign up, get a confirmation email and confirm the sign up, but past that you hit an http 500 when you try to register an airline. So my question is, why have a sign up page if you aren't taking on new VAs? There is something inherently annoying about having people jump through hoops by filling out a registration form, only to slam into a brick wall.
  13. What I don't understand is why anyone pays any attention to merger emails and the like.
  14. That puts a different light on things.
  15. ROTFLMAO! Thanks for the first two, but actually, the third pertains to displaying a URL in a DIV rather than an IFRAME. I'm trying to avoid the extra scroll bar that produces.
  16. 1. I've been experimenting with spry-based drop down menus. While they work fine, I'd like to set one up so it only appears after the pilot is logged in. What is the best way to do this? 2. Somewhere, I saw a thread where there were several graphics that could be used to advertise phpVMS. I can't recall where I saw it and no keyword I can think of allows me to successfually search for it. Anyone know where it is? 3. Duh, I forgot what 3 is.
  17. Thanks. At least I know I haven't lost what little remains of my mind. I think I'll add it to my site. I might even kludge together a version for booking cargo flights, as well.
  18. The only thing I did differently than the posted code, was to remove the comments.
  19. I'm feeling really dumb. It looks nice, but what does it actually do that isn't already being done?
  20. Is there a way to create an iframe in joomla?
  21. Hmmm, that means there is a third thread on the same issue., because the other thread I saw, had him saying he had emptied the cache, etc., with no improvement.
  22. I'm confused. I can clearly see your sig. What am I missing?
  23. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!
  24. He's indecisive, as well.
  25. :lol:From their FAQ; FAQ How old should I be too join? A. We accept anyone who's decently mature. Clearly, that isn't so.
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