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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. It is good to see active support. I'll look at the new version in the morning. I've been sitting at my keyboard for over 15 hours and don't think I trust myself to do anything until I get some sleep..
  2. For some reason, that makes me feel better.
  3. I'm bringing this two year old thread back to life because I'm trying to accomplish something similar now. My VA is only available to the members of my forum and I wanted them to be able the use their forum names as callsigns. I added a custom field via the admin panel called Callsign. I tried Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_CALLSIGN', true); No good. In PilotData.class I have this: # Configure what we want to show on each line $callsign = PilotData::getFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'CALLSIGN'); $output = array(); $output[] = $pilotcode.' '. $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname; $output[] = 'Callsign: ' . $pilot->callsign; $output[] = $pilot->rank.', '.$pilot->hub; $output[] = 'Total Flights: ' . $pilot->totalflights; $output[] = 'Total Hours: ' . $totalhours; It's been two years since I dabbled in this, so If anyone can tell me what I might have forgotten, I'd appreciate it.
  4. I guess we have a mystery. Code: echo '<p class="error">Please enter your email address</p>'; ?> </dd> <dt>Select Airline: *</dt> <dd> <select name="code" id="code"> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { If($airline->code == “CHâ€) { Continue; } else { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } } ?> </select> </dd> Admin Panel: Registration:
  5. I said refreshed, you said regenrate, the maintenance panel says reset. No matter what it is called, it doesn't refresh/regenerate/reset as you would expect. An hour and a half later:
  6. That was the conclusion I came to, as well. There is a problem in that it does not hide the CH and someone can register with it. While I can, as administrator, edit the pilot, I'd still prefer to have CH not visible BTW, I'd make the suggestion that for this package, you come up with a way that there are no dependencies on your site. While installing it took only a few minutes, downloading the necessary images and changing all the links to your site, took over an hour..
  7. I've been tinkering with what is displayed in pilot badges, this morning. After each change. I've refreshed the badges, flushed the cache, etc. Why don't they all get refreshed? These are all from the same time.
  8. My bad again, but I hadn't changed the code to hide the CH airline. When I do, I get a bit of a problem. In looking at your code, which is this, <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { If($airline->code == “CHâ€) { Continue; } else { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> Isn't there a mismatch of curly brackets, there? The problem is without another one before the closing "?>", I get an error, but with it added, it doesn't hide the CH airline in registration. Sorry if I seem confused.
  9. I did something wrong. EDIT: My bad. found the problem. It works fine now.
  10. For the time being, I moved the login below the text area and above the footer. Once I work on the navigation area, I will move it to its permanent position. Thanks to all who responded.
  11. Well, it turns out that no matter what I do in styles.css, all I can do is move the element about 20 pixels vertically. The code is stock crystal except for th topBanner line, which was changed to acommodate the new banner. I can move the element vertically by changing the topLogin's padding-top value, but that is it. Obviously there is a constraint I don't understand. BTW, Layout.tpl is unedited crystal. #innerwrapper { width: 970px; background: #fff; float: right; } #topBanner { background: url(images/topbanner.jpg); width: 970px; height: 191px; } #topLogin { width: 370px; display: inline; float: right; padding-top: 30px; padding-right: 50px; } I could use a clue as to how to moving it, even if it is only to the lower portion of the banner.
  12. Yes, it is based on crystal. In fact, except for the change in the topbanner size, it is almost all crystal. Fortunately, I got to try out one of the add-ons for firefox which lets me see the css that applies to any element. I'm editing it now. Thanks for your help. I'll let you know if I hit a brick wall.
  13. At least I think it is a css question. I've been working on a skin which started off as crystal and is being built upon little by little so if I need to change things, I have some understanding of what I am doing. The following topbanner needs to have all the pilot info (and login, if not logged in) to the upper left corner. I'm trying to determine what I must change to accomplish this, but haven't come up with it. If anyone can provide a clue, I'd appreciate it.
  14. Thanks. Figured if it would be anywhere, it would be in /lib/js/ckeditor. Re-uploaded that folder. All is well!
  15. That's odd. I distinctly recall posting that, "there was no editor function". In other words, nothing that requires the editor can be edited, because there is no editor. Titles can be changed, but not the text body.
  16. I never thought I'd be doing this again, but I'm going to resurrect my old VA. Installed phpVMS and everything appeared to go fine...until I tried to edit a page. That's when I noticed there was no editor function. Knowing me, it is probably something I did wrong, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out waht it might be. Any ideas?
  17. Is there a reasonably easy way to maintain a record of pilot applications I've rejected? At a time when many VAs are begging for pilots, I find myself rejecting more and more. I review each application and based on certain criteria, I research the applicant's records at other VAs. If I find a pilot has joined multiple VAs, but flown very few hours (if any) at them, I usually reject the application. I'd like a way to keep a record of such cases, including the IP address of the applicant.
  18. It would be nice, except not all ACARS programs handle sim time properly. some insist on using your computer's system time. that would prove to be a problem for pilots in certain time zones, who prefer to sleep at 2 AM.
  19. I wonder if that could be done, based on pilot awards, limiting the selection to those considered "staff".
  20. That would be like the blind leading the blind. I'll rummage around the web and see if I can find something we both can figure out.
  21. Thank you. I'd been trying to do that.
  22. Load it into Windows Paint,select resize, specify the size in pixels and save as.
  23. Thanks for solving the decimal situation. I reached the same conclusion about the number of pax.
  24. The same basic code as you posted above. In fact I just duplicated what you posted, this evening and get the same results. I originally had the HTML tied to CSS, rather than using the <STRONG> tags, but I didn't think that was the problem. Since I'm now using the same code you are, I guess I was right. I'm bewildered as to where the stuff to the right of the decimal came from. I think I've figured out the large number of pax. I suspect it can be traced to cargo a/c accidentally being assigned to pax routes, but I'll have to scour the pireps to find out.
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