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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. Works very nicely. Thanks.
  2. Similar, but instead of the last two columns, a column with verbiage such as on time, arriving, landed, arrived (based on schedule time vs. system time). That way, any time the page was loaded, different flights would be displayed. A departure board could be done similarly, with different status verbiage.
  3. Don't laugh, but I am trying to do it. Looking at code from other pages, trying to figure out what variable names I need, with one eye on the monitor and the other on a book on PHP. The results, so far are either infuriating or hysterically funny. I don't know which is worse. My approach is this: Get the system time and convert it to the 24 hour format I'm using in the routes. Get the routes with arrival times that are equal to or plus/minus one hour to the system time. Display those routes in a table with flight number, departure and arrival ICAOs, a/c tail number and verbiage based on how far from the system time the arrival time is.
  4. I found the concept interesting and was tryijng to figure out If there might be another way such as creating multiple routes with the same ICAOs, etc., but with different aircraft, but that seemed a bit clunky. since I have CSVs for each hup, I supposed I could add a soffix to the route numbers and simply change the a/c Not very sexy, but it'll do. EDIT: Just tried it. It works fine.
  5. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I have what your are speaking of. What I'm looking for is a routemap that shows the VA's hubs and routes on a world map by drawing lines between each flight's departure to arrival airport. Like this, but with straight lines and no fancy inserts or color coding.
  6. Is it possible to use the routes in the database to display them on a map, perhaps google maps, or would that wind up trying to plot too much data on the map?
  7. Found it! http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2567-multiple-aircraft-equipment-choice/
  8. There sure were. I now restrict editing those pages to dreamweaver. It seems I can drop the initial code into that editor with no problem, but as soon as any attmpt is mad to edit the page, it gets strange. So if I drop something into the pages and it works, I simply haul the page down into dreamweaver so I can deal with any changes.
  9. I could have sworn I saw a post with a picture of a page with a list of aircraft and checkboxes for the ones the route could be flown with. I would have thought it was in addons or one of the child boards, but couldn't find it. Maybe I was dreaming.
  10. I guess I'm the only one with the problem. Last night, I edited the text (not souce code) in a heading on each of these pages. After, this is what I got when I tried to display the pages. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /*****/*****/public_html/phpvms/core/pages/airports.htm on line 15 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /*****/*****/public_html/phpvms/core/pages/fleet.htm on line 2 I never touched those lines!
  11. Is it possible to have a flight board that first checks the system time and then displays the following. Flight Number - Departure ICAO - Arrival - Aircraft - Status This would be eye candy, rather than actual status, since most of us have more flights than pilots. The board would display only flights with an arrival time within 2 hours of system time. Flight status would, depending onwhere they are in relation to system time, be on time, arriving, arrived. I suppose something similar could be done for departures, but I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. Does this sound like something that could be done? Or, maybe I should ask if it has already been done.
  12. This comes under the heading of the older I get, the dumber I get. I saw a thread about a modification that would make multiple aircraft available for a flight. A few days later, when I wanted to look more closely at the idea, I just couldn't find it. I tried searchging for it, but to no avail. Can anyone point me to it? thanks.
  13. Suspect it is an artist's rendering since United doesn't have any 787s.
  14. I love that livery. It's crisp and clean and will stand out from all the other stuff that is around. Even better....it's such an easy repaint.
  15. I noticed that the buit in editor in admin, drops random characters when pasting in source code or attempting to edit source code. Has anyone else experienced this, or is it more evidence that I live in a strange universe?
  16. I'm interested and just downloaded it. Thank you very much. I wish I had some talent.
  17. Can you point me to it?
  18. Fico feliz em ouvir que você tem a informação.
  19. I find this thread a little frightening. Last August (IIRC), I ditched VAFS for phpVMS because our data at VAFS kept disappearing in a manner that could not have been a programming malfunction. Our password got changed repeatedly, etc., etc. I told Mike, at that time, he either had a security problem on his server or someone he trusted to help him administer the site was intentionally messing with the data. I looked over in their forum a few days ago. Guess what...VAs are still complaining about data disappearing. Mike's response was that he was considering contacting the Department of Homeland Security to look into who was attacking his server. That will certainly not be tax dollars well spent. He is still in denial as the where the problem is. My suggestion is to total up the number of flights and hours your pilots have at VAFS, add the information to each pilot's profile in phpVMS and drop VAFS like a hot potato.
  20. The manual pirep page. I added a custom dropdown so the pilot could enter which of our clients, the flight was done for. As the clients are international, I thought it would be interesting to identify them in their own language, but French, German, Spanish, Greek and Portugese, etc., all get mangled. If I go to admin and try to edit them, they are mangled there, as well. Here is the list from the field entries. Select Country/Agency,Algeria Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité ,Argentina Secretaría de Inteligencia,Australia Australian Secret Intelligence Service,Canada Canadian Security Intelligence Service,Canada Canada Border Services Agency,Chile Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia,Egypt Al-Mukhabarat al-'Ammah,France Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure,Georgia Foreign Intelligence Service,Germany Bundesamt für Verfas,Greece Εθνική ÃŽÂ¥Ã€Î·ÃÂεÃία ÃŽ ληÃÂοÆοÃÂιÎν,Italy Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna,Japan Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office,Jordan Da’irat al-Mukhabarat al-’Ammah,Korea National Intelligence Service,Latvia Satversmes aizsardzÄ«bas birojs,Lithuania Valstybes Saugumo Departamentas,Morocco Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire,New Zealand Security Intelligence Service,Poland Agencja Wywiadu,Romania External Intelligence Service,Saudi Arabia Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah,South Africa National Intelligence Agency,Spain Centro Nacional de Inteligencia,Taiwan National Security Bureau,Ukraine Holovne Upravlinnya Rozvidky,United Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service,United Kingdom Security Service,United States Central Intelligence Agency,United States Dept. of Homeland Security,Venezuela Dirección de los Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevención
  21. I think I found a solution. I'll just do everything in English. Several items in other languages added some interest, but it is not essential. I've taken enough of your time with this.
  22. It was ISO-8859-1. It is now UTF-8. While rummaging around, I noticed this in app.config.php. # Page encoding options Config::Set('PAGE_ENCODING', 'UTF-8'); Config::Set('DB_CHARSET_NAME', 'utf8'); Since I'm ignorant about such things, I didn't attempt to chance the second line in local.config.php, but since it is the only instance where there is no hypen in utf-8, I figured I'd ask if that is the way it should be.
  23. I was able to access it. It was a bit slow, however. Proof I accessed it: That should help your get new pilots.
  24. I found this in my local.config.php # Page encoding options Config::Set('PAGE_ENCODING', 'ISO-8859-1'); On a hunch, I set it UTF-8. that cured the name of SBGL in pilots, but not in the pirep dropdown. There are 3 occurances of ISO-8859-1 in the whole site. Should these be changed?
  25. Don't think so, but I'll ask one of my pilots to confirm if he sees the same thing. I used a different browser with the same results.
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