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Everything posted by twelka3

  1. If you are the only one on the roster or the first user go to the admin center -- all pilots -- and just click edit profile and save and you should see yourself appear on the roster.
  2. By the looks of it he is using a proxy. Try using this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:PROXY_CONNECTION} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:XPROXY_CONNECTION} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP} !^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F] copy & paste into your site’s root htaccess file. Upload to your server, and test it’s effectiveness via the proxy service(s) of your choice. It may not be perfect, but compared to blacklisting a million proxy domains, it’s lightweight, concise, and very effective
  3. Is there a ip range hes using? If so ban a range ex xxx.xx.x.x - xxx.xx.x.x
  4. I had this issue at one time it was a base url issue in the local.config
  5. haha like i said its southwest
  6. That sure is very weird never have had that happen good to learn on how to fix it if it ever happens, Thanks Kyle.
  7. It made me laugh when i saw southwest hahah.
  8. This just goes why i think if SWA pilots would slow down and take their time this wouldn't happen. LOL http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/30331864/detail.html?source=den
  9. Im also getting this same error.
  10. Going to try this now praying it works
  11. twelka3


    i want to remove a hub from the selection during registration but still keep the airport as a hub
  12. twelka3


    Is there anyway possible to remove a hub from the registration to equal out the flow of hubs?
  13. I had this same IP get into Frontiers Admin panel. Would delete pilots and our routes. It also tried into my American but failed. The only way to stop it was to ban the IP
  14. Nice job hijacking a thread. Post In the thread with that airline. That had nothing to deal with this va
  15. Hahaha its looking good keep it up! and Thanks!
  16. I hadnt opened this one. Its called the CEO had been doing things I didnt like so i took it back. I can run two VA's. Not like im opening one everyday. Thanks though everyone!
  17. I am pleased to announce Frontier Airlines Virtual!Frontier Airlines Virtual is open to everyone! All you need is a Valid VATSIM ID and your in. vFFT provides a realistic yet fun environment to simulate Real world FFT Operations. With our hub a mile high and our animals on the tail you cant go wrong! Our fleet is built up of A318's, A319's, and A320's, we service multiple destinations around the U.S. and Mexico. We hope to see you stop by and check us out! You can check us out here We are also partnered with AALVirtual.org and working on a partnership with express jet virtual. Thanks, - Frontier Airlines Virtual Staff
  18. Nice job jacob! Good luck to your va!
  19. If you dont contact then you could become into legal trouble, its always a safe bet to contact the airline!
  20. Yeah he broke my aircraft lol Thanks
  21. Haha yeah it is, What were doing is me and him are trying to go around the world but sense me or him never have really flown much in any other place than the US we decided to take some short to medium hops around and tour so we've had some very interesting approaches and landings lol but its quite fun to see other places than the US. And Thanks!
  22. Yeah LOL He stalled on approach huge head wind gust got him and before he could recover it was to late as it almost happened to me as we both were flying at the time the same approach. But he did break one of my aircraft
  23. The AALV Staff are proud to say that American Airlines Virtual has hit our goal of reaching 100 Pireps! This wouldnt be possible with out all my pilots and staff as we continue to grow! Thanks guys! You can check us out here
  24. Cool Site. Thanks for sharing.
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