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Everything posted by twelka3

  1. twelka3


    I'm currently running the beta there is a banned option in the edit pilot not sure what it does though
  2. Going to be fun!
  3. Good to see you back up
  4. twelka3


    add there ip to the .htaccess then they cant view the site at all and will be greeted with a 403
  5. Bluemax, Im sure Nabeel is still working on it.. As he just finished restoring everything. Be Happy.
  6. Haha yeah past few days I have just got so much work cause of spring break and I know many areas are the same so I'd say this weekend next week will be quite active
  7. Ya I've noticed, I say by this weekend it picks up
  8. Kyle, I know it was nothing against me i just was putting that out there so nobody says you cant speak about this - to me. Lol its all good
  9. After so long of this not happening its going again. Ive grown up and have learned from my past but i know what he means as its happened to me to in the past. Just kids. So annoying.
  10. Sad as i know you have put in many hours of work into your site, as it looks amazing. Like Tom said send the host an email webhost are quick to respond on these things.
  11. There is one issue I would like to point out for you to fix and its on your pilots page the font goes from big to small you can see what im talking about in this picture
  12. Very nice work, Great Job Scott!
  13. It is Joeri, In my eyes why start a VA if you not going to stick with it.
  14. Nice Jeff! LMAO
  15. I agree he has worked very hard to get phpVMS and all its services back up Nabeel has done a great job!
  16. No Prob, always looking forward to see what you have next its always a cool surprise!
  17. twelka3


    MyVADesigns site has been launched. http://www.myvadesigns.org/
  18. Real nice work I love what you have done it shows what phpVMS is capable of doing. Great work, your doing an excellent job.
  19. twelka3


    Just follow the documentation on the phpvms site and you will be set and of course what jeff said link those properly.
  20. make sure the css is linked up properly if you havent checked that.
  21. I agree with you both now on the last two post very true.
  22. Come on. This guy tryies to make a hobby then for you to put him down. Thats just plain wrong. :/
  23. For a premium VPS i would expect more Memory (RAM) for the price. More like 512 MB Or more.
  24. Yeah its not looking good ive seen some of the photos, Looking like another year of an active severe weather season with a potential like last years outbreak.
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