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Everything posted by twelka3

  1. Click [Edit] and put it there
  2. I like the idea! I think that would be really fun!
  3. I was wondering the same.
  4. Nice Job! Good luck with your VA!
  5. Hi i am looking for someone to create me a custom phpVMS skin for $55 or less. If you are able to please PM me!
  6. Merry Christmas Bud!
  7. so what man? What you think and other people think... Move on. Stop doging people.
  8. Proper english please. Unbelievable? Dude only thing you like to do is dog people, so how about you wright a nice thing for once.
  9. Im a image copier? Really? Guess we all are that run a real world airline and use their logos are all image copiers. Also funny thing is you dont know what goes on. I have emailed the guy and we worked things out. I am able to use his image in my header so would you like to continue on that bud? Cause you do know what goes on in my life or in my ceo chair. All you know is what is posted in this forum. Right? So just stop. Brian knows exactly who I am and what I do as I talk to him most of the time on TS like right know as i post this. But once again you wouldnt know this cause you do know what goes on other than here.
  10. I don't know why this is such a big deal guys? You both have been working on them for sometime now and that's awesome. Its not like Brian went out and said oh TWA im going to copy that. It also doesn't mean just because you spend $350 on modules doesn't mean your going to grow faster than someone else. Yeah you might have advantages but doesn't mean your going to have the same dedication or other things. I wish the best of luck to both VA's and hope both do well!
  11. LMAO why are you still trying to start things with me? Leave me alone. The subject we are on is over and been over so stop trying to start things. also Wayne i have asked to be removed from your roster, Not just have - terminated by my name as im tired of receiving all your va emails. Please remove me from your roster completely.
  12. 1st) Yorsite isnt based off phpvms? 2nd) Your skin? Hmm... Brett Lowe made this skin. So if its "your" skin dont take it out on him. Talk to Brett Lowe. People can make look alike skins bud, even though they may look like yours its not.
  13. I had rejected it due to the fact you were at two other Americans already.
  14. If you really mean that reapply and you will be accepted.
  15. American Airlines virtual is now open! American Airlines Virtual is open to everyone! All you need is a Valid VATSIM ID and your in. AALV provides a realistic yet fun environment to simulate Real world AA Operations. We are accepting Pilot Applications, if you are brand new to flight simulation or experienced, we welcome all. Thank you for your interest American Airlines Virtual! You can visit us at http://aalvirtual.org/ We hope to See you in the skies! Taylor Welka CEO American Airlines Virtual
  16. I see people post them here because the forum cat is "Virtual Airline Discussion" In my head that does in a way say advertise your VA. Although I also see it your way.
  17. Nice job Brian! Great job!
  18. Nice Site, Although I do agree with Sava when it come's to VATSIM, as id rather fly on there.
  19. Ok. Im done.
  20. Im not trying to argue, Its just its not right to get on my case when his own site also has copyright issues.
  21. You did claim this was against me in this email: > From: Wayne Belcher [mailto:ceo@virtualamericanusa.com] > Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:13 PM > To: Taylor Welka - CEO > Subject: Re: Fwd: New message from VAA CEO - "W T F ?" > > Just what is it that you see that needs to be fixed ? There is not one > thing on my site that is in violation of copyright infringements ! > Again, I have reported you to the actual owner of the image, and have > filed a motion with phpVMS on the forums to have you and your Va > removed from the community... > > I suggest that you stop while your ahead... > > Wayne Belcher > Chief Executive Officer > Virtual American Airlines > http://www.virtualamericanusa.com
  22. Then who could it of been? People just dont do that.
  23. Wayne I see your point, BUT you started this over me. Im tired of it. I have learned, But you sit here and call me a so called "weasel" and a "jackwadd"? I never once called you a name Wayne. Ive always acted in a professional way. This all started by an email you "claim" you didnt send. But this is what is says: Subject: New message from VAA CEO - "W T F ?" Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:55:52 -0700 From: Virtual American Airlines <ceo@aalvirtual.org> To: ceo@aalvirtual.org What makes you think Ernst yo can use copyrighted material ? The image on your head was taken from another website, As stated on the phpvms forums, you have a history of doing this... I will do my best to get your site suspended. -name = VAA CEO -email = CEO@virtualamericanusa.com -subject = W T F ? -message = What makes you think Ernst yo can use copyrighted material ? The image on your head was taken from another website, As stated on the phpvms forums, you have a history of doing this... I will do my best to get your site suspended. -loggedin = false -submit = Send Message I went by who it was claimed to be sent by and sent you an email. In return you start things with me. Im tired of all the drama. I know you want me gone Wayne and fine I will leave this forum but im not EVER going to leave my VA. All you want is me gone, What did I do to you? Nothing i didnt have any issues with you but you came and stated this with me. Like you said you want me and my VA removed from here, I honestly dont care anymore, I used to come here for help and assistance but this forum lately has turned into a huge fight pit. With people always attacking others. Also you bring up your hobby being gone, It could be gone right now, at this moment. If the FAA really was to look at all the VA's they would shut it all down, VATSIM too, as Its a huge security issue. So stop before everyone gets shut down. You point things out about my VA Wayne, like i said about yours, Where is a link back to AA / AMR Corp? Where is your permission to you AA's Trademarks? Stop attacking me.
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