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Everything posted by twelka3

  1. make sure the password is strong and dont use the same first & last name as that will do that. Let me know if that fixes it
  2. In regards to showing you, are you meaning your name? As when i pulled it up it looks fine ready for a new pilot to apply. If this is not what you meant can you explain more?
  3. I would also like to know this as i also had i pilot today tell me he had this issue but no other pilots are.
  4. twelka3

    Importing Schedules

    http://images.delta.com.edgesuite.net/delta/pdfs/flight_schedules.pdf Your not going to find an easy excel file for delta, thats the best i can think of.
  5. Looks very nice! , Was wondering the same edmundk
  6. Sad thing about this is there isnt much we can do about it :/ Its sad that people have to go out and torrent things as i see it, its a slap in the face to navigraph or the developer. Why cant people just pay for these things.
  7. Nice job when having a real domain it attracts a lot more pilots
  8. Just admit that you deleted it after i posted that and stop lying is all i ask. You tell me to grow up but you wont own up to you own things, shesh.
  9. Edmund, Refer to my other post before this one he had it before he just deleted it.
  10. LMAO you just fixed it cause you know you had logo design in there. So ok dont be lying either but yeah ok.
  11. I do agree with edmundk one the domain part but nice job on the livery!
  12. But wait is your signature you have "Graphics Design" so why cant you just wondering cause that to me is odd.
  13. No, Edmundk i have said i didn't want this to be a brawl. We talked and worked it out as you see above. No Drama
  14. See but it would be risky again, i lost all trust in you after you game me one but then took the server for your self. This is why i never felt safe even uploading a file to the file browser in the ts.
  15. Once again i didnt steal. But seems like no one ever gets it huh. W/e i told you how i made it dont believe me fine be me ada.
  16. All i did is used the bucket tool and it did the same thing. But sense its a big deal i replaced it with the dark blue hover button.
  17. Also Brett Lowe? Yeah you might want to check again i use to use his theme as i had permission. this one i created. Ada please get your facts before trying to say something not true.
  18. Guys the nav bar is publicly available from http://apycom.com/ i didnt steal. Tyler, and have i replyed to your email? Yes PM me if thats an issue as i dont want this thread going into a brawl
  19. I am now offering skins for phpVMS skin services for people that are on a low budget but would like a nice slick website. If interested please PM me until our site is set up. -Price Special = $15 Usually 25 Time frame is approx up to 7 - 14 days depending on the complexity of the site. We make all our sites from scratch and of course your skins would never be resold. You paid for it, its yours. Few sites we have made skins for, aalvirtual.net flyunitedva.net -Website is coming soon...
  20. In your php.ini change it to 128M as its needs more memory to do the job.
  21. Looks to be like your missing the Events_index.tpl in your core/templates/events folder
  22. Through the .htaccess
  23. twelka3

    VA Base

    Ive gone through there support id stay clear of them they dont help unless you start to demand a refund. Even when you get it set up the tell you your database connections is on your server side.. Once again its theirs, Stay clear of them is my word to the wise.
  24. Yeah, good luck to you on finding some to do that, Im like Chad i dont either i could also do one for around $15 but not for free. -Taylor
  25. Please look at the past topics before you re ask. If you had looked we know this is an issue and they are working on it to fix it. Just takes time and patience.
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