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Everything posted by Edwin

  1. where can we find these error logs? And also for me, the change of airport lookup server did not do anything.
  2. anyone able to get this one fixed?
  3. Hi, Having the same issue when filing reports via FS Flight Keeper. Sometimes I also get the error Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually., but the schedule exists in the list (found another topic with this but without solution) I'm using Simpilot's PHPVMS due to PHP 5.5 Anyone a clue? Manual flight report is working fine. Edwin
  4. I think what the original poster means by his post is that the commerce is taking more possession on this forum instead of a group of people helping each other out of hobby perspective.
  5. just amazing from the webdesigners of swiss-air. http://www.world-of-swiss.com/en
  6. Hi, you need to extract the folder and place it in the lib\skins directory on your website. Then in the admin panel you need to go to the site & settings tab and in general you can switch skins. Note you need PHP 5.5 with this template or as explained above change all files to tpl for the older PHP versions
  7. Very nice skin and started using this due to the PHP 5.5 upgrade i've performed where my old skin got corrupted.
  8. Thanks, have send a support ticket for both Tour and Charter.
  9. Tried to download the file, but is intercepted by my antivirus saying it has a virus: PHP/C99Shell.NAH.trojan The link I receive is from http://zumeweb.com/downloads/pacific.8ascb7casiobj.zip
  10. Hi, I've upgraded to PHPVMS 5.5.1. due to the PHP 5 upgrade. The sitebar is not showing, except for tour/sidebar_tour.tpl Any idea how I can get the Tours Module back to working? Any help appreciated! Edwin
  11. Hi Rob, Thanks! Took me a little fiddle around but managed to get it sorted. Thanks for the help! Best regards, Edwin
  12. I'm a big fan of this skin and keep using this. What I would like to modify is to make the aircraft on my page overlap the menu bar (engine and wing) (www.daanair.nl) Is this possible and what code do I need to make it happen? Any help appreciated
  13. and don't forget, Delta has been used many times..
  14. Hi Dave, All worked out, thanks! Best regards, Edwin
  15. HI All, I have problem described as here http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?248955-Smoke-problem Before I jump to install FSX somewhere to get this file back, is there anyone able to send me this file to save me a lot of troubles? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Edwin
  16. I like number one and than indeed in the white area key in the airline name in the same orange color.
  17. picture on main page is too overwhelming, even on a 22" screen
  18. Edwin


    weird isn't it and it is out of the box installed so not sure what is going on in this case. No clue here as i'm not that indept in php/html. Have set it back to the skyline template from ittrob, which is working ok in Chrome and made a note that a while ago already about best viewed
  19. Edwin


    This is what I get when opening it in IE11 <!DOCTYPE html> <html dir="ltr" lang="en-US"><head><!-- Created by Artisteer v4.1.0.59861 --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><?php echo $page_title; ?></title> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale = 1.0, maximum-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no, width = device-width"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crystal/styles.css" />--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ocean_blue/styles/ocean.css" type="text/css" title="Ocean Blue" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ocean_blue/styles/style.responsive.css" type="text/css" title="Ocean Blue" media="screen" /> <!--[if lte IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ocean_blue/styles/style.ie7.css" media="screen" /><![endif]--> This is most likely the part I need to modify, but if I remove the <!-- --> i get the same screen and this line: [if lte IE 7]>var baseurl = "http://www.daanair.nl"; var geourl = "http://ws.geonames.org"; Also when I go back to Chrome, the layout is changed and the flightmap etc has gone below. website name is: www.daanair.nl note that it is currently the default template as I did not modify anything yet due to the changes. I currently use skyline from ittrob which is also a very good skin, but is also not working on IE, but that is known.
  20. Edwin


    i did not remove the line. but also didn't touch it.
  21. Edwin


    That would be IE11
  22. Edwin


    too bad it doesn't work properly in Internet Explorer
  23. link not working: 404: Page not found – the page http://goo.gl/sT1u7L%C2%A0%C2%A0 does not exist. If you typed in or copied/pasted this URL, make sure you included all the characters, with no extra punctuation.
  24. Hi All, I found FSlive and look at it with interest, but can't seem to put a link between FSLive and PHPVMS. Is there any integration and in what way can I reflect PHPVMS into FSLive? Or is everything that is in FSLive also in PHPVMS (except aircraft management database with pricing and such) Best regards, DaanAir
  25. Edwin


    you used spaces somewhere, remove those and you should be fine.
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