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Everything posted by Edwin

  1. What you mean?
  2. Sorry, tried them both, but not working I want the landingrate to show as either green for good touchdown or red for a bad touchdown This is the full table: <table width="100%" border="1px"> <tr> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Aircraft</td> <td>Arrival Airport</td> <td>Landing Rate</td> <td>Date Posted</td> </tr> <?php foreach($stats as $stat) { $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($stat->pilotid); $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($stat->aircraft); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).' - '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$stat->arricao.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$stat->landingrate.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($stat->submitdate)).'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </table>
  3. Hi, I'm trying to add a color part in the touchdowns, but when i add this code: echo '<td>'.if($stat->landingrate > -300) echo '<font color="green">'.$stat->landingrate.' ft/m</font>'; elseif($stat->landingrate <= -300)echo '<font color="red">'.$stat->landingrate.' ft/m</font>'.'</td>'; I'm getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in Why i put it on a different part of the page outside the <td> </td> it is working, so i'm doing something wrong, but can't figure out what. Hope someone can help me out. Edwin
  4. thats fast, thanks!!!
  5. tried to download the flightboard.zip, but appears to be offline, could you please re-upload it? thank you!
  6. I bumped into this thread via google and added it. I also have the time issue and although i found my php.ini and have set the timezone to Europe/Amsterdam it still goes 2 hours ahead, while my server is in the correct timezone. Any clues on this?
  7. That would be great not only for me, but also for others who use your wonderful system
  8. do you also have a plain text version without all the customized buttons and backgrounds?
  9. very nice skin. I also have a little problem with the menu not keeping it on the right place. When i look on a 23" screen and have the left: 780 all is ok. When i look on a 19" screen and have the left: 780 all is not ok and the menu goes way to the right. Is there a way to set the menu on a fixed position independent of the screen size? Further the skin is very nice
  10. does it?? because i don't have it. can it be that i run an older version? I've downloaded the version on your website, but can't find any code in there which leads me to drop down menus. I tried to at some codes from another skin and added it into core_navigation.tpl and layout.tpl, but none worked. I think i'm in the right direction in the core_navigation.tpl, but as soon as i add something, the whole menu bar disappears and i only see home, while i did not delete the original links. I navigated a bit further and looked in the drop down menu section which is pinned, but when i try some codes from there, my whole menu bar got scrambled and unreadable.
  11. Hi, Does anyone by any chance has the coding to create drop down menus in the obsessblue skin? I tried a lot but somehow not working and currently doing my head in to get it working Edwin
  12. Very nice, was looking for this.. I tried changing the code a bit so it will look the same as the back to gallery button, but it's not working any change you can adjust it a bit make a button similar to the back to gallery button.
  13. This is a very nice skin, neat and clean. I installed it to try it out on my personal VA, but some things are a bit off, like the pirep overview and the pilot profile (past 30 days PIREPS and the pirep list) Any idea where i can adjust the wide settings of these options?
  14. Hi, I just bought Maldives from Aerosoft and was wondering if anyone has a list of all flyable airports in this scenery mainly the codes to enter them in the phpvms database for my airline. I googled around already, but only found 5 airport icaos from Maldives, but can't find the codes for the airports with the water runways etc. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks! Edwin
  15. Edwin

    VA Base

    i also found Vabase before i found phpvms. I tried to get some support as well, but no answers from them. I found out on several other forums that there were much complaints etc and that you better stay away from this program. It was a lesson for me in this case and a loss of a few euro's.
  16. I'm interested in the skin, any chance you can email it to me? Thanks!
  17. Hi, i found this wonderful addon and added it to my personal VA. However, is it possible that when you are at a certain airport, you only see the routes that are connected to the aircrafts that are located there? Say I have 3 planes. on EDDF i have plane 1 and 2. on DTMB i have plane 3. If i am at EDDF, i see plane 1 2 and 3, while plane 3 is actually at DTMB, so the route should not be visible. Hope i explained it ok Thanks! Edwin
  18. I started SWTOR with my girlfriend and love the BH class I think the monthly payment is not bad for 12.99 euro. Other MMO's charging the same or are Free to Play with many limitations. You say 15 euro (actually 12.99 euro)is expensive.. How much do you spend on monthly basis playing other game(s)? Or how much do you spend a saturday night in the pub/bar/disco? I think 12.99 is a fair amount of money to spend on a game that continues to evolve. I had times i bought a game, say Assassins Creed costing 60 euro.. played the story line and was finished within 2 weeks of playing so the game is finished and you buy a new one for say another 50/60 euro and with any luck in the same month . Costs: 60 euro per game. 60 euro compared is nearly 5 months of playing an MMO If you play an MMO and you like it a lot, it will be unlikely you will have some time left to play another game. If you put the monthly fees in comparison, it is peanuts. 2 beers less every weekend and you can play a game that continues to evolve Or even better, do a calculation on what you spend per year on games other than MMO
  19. I installed this flight board on my site and looks very good i have a small issue however with departure and arrival time is not showing. when i look in the file, i see: <td align="left">Departure Time:</td> <td colspan="0" align="left" bgcolor="#ADDFFF"><b><?php echo $pirep->departurelocalhour?> Local (<?php echo $pirep->departuregmthour?> GMT)</b></td> however, the departuregmthour is something i dont have in my database. is there a way i can adjust this, so it shows my departure and arrival time and the flight result? Does it has something to do with the acars program i use? (fs flight keeper)
  20. Hello, Is there a way to transfer the aircrafts to another airport without doing the flights? I changed hub and want to move all the aircrafts on the old hub to the new one. Thank you. Edwin
  21. For those who want to flash up their site a bit, but don't know much about php I found a nice website with some basic stuff that can help out a bit flashen up your site http://www.phpjunkyard.com/ There are probably numerous of those sites, but i found this one worth mentioning
  22. If you hosted your website at an hosting provider, probably smtp.gmail.com will not work as it is not allowed to relay unless the provider permits it. Best to ask your hosting provider which smtp host you could/should use to send your emails out.
  23. Ciao Mattia Very good!!!! I just installed it and it's working very good Prices are not comparable yet, but already read that it will change soon to more actual pricing I have a B727-100 in service and i cannot imagine it costed nearly euro , so i changed the price to around 10.750.000 which i think is more accurate
  24. Very nice mod!!! installed it to see how it works and it's fantastic Hope a new update will come soon so it will affect the financials
  25. that would be a very neat addition i keep watching and waiting patiently
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