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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. I have had good results with 1freehosting.com other than that try to get a paid domain in order to avoid problems
  2. How do you edit the files ? are you able to download the file edit and then reupload ?
  3. I am fine with that no attribution needed as this is your creation and i took kyles map so it should go to you 2 i only forgot to put a dynamic picture in line 33 of atcmap.tpl i have hardcoded the picture source to http://www.baggelis.com/atc.jpg if you want and can corect it so i dont delete it some day and the maps don't work after that. Thanks
  4. I have it already ready done for somobody else in this forum so download this files replace your files on your server and call for <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_atclivemap', '!CLIENTS:', 'ATC', ''); ?> To kyle, the lat and lot are given bye the text file the only problem that i faced whas that the map took dynamicly the heading but the atc do not have heading so i modified your map and placed the atc.jpg icon Vatsim.zip
  5. What is the link of your site ? Is it a payed domain or a free one ?
  6. As i do not like to get offtopic but still i need to answer to that, as far as we do not knows each others background, tech knowledge or even age (that is a big factor) then i sugest to keep our patience and if we lose it then do no reply at all but as far as i know this forum is for 2 kind of people , 1 the ones that have a proplem with the phpvms platform And 2 the ones that like to try and solve the problems that the others are asking (like i do) For the rest that are tired of the so called stupid questions i dont think that anybody forces you to be on that forum more even to reply. BUT i will remind to everybody that reads this post that the search feature is a big help I apologize for the big post but i had eventually to get it of my chest , and for any reason i speak in general and not pointing a finger to somebody Vangelis over and out
  7. I do not understand why some people can be so hostile to others About your problem now you could try some other login software some of them are xacars, apvacars, fs passengers, fs flight keeper
  8. You are on a free domain/hosting most propable the upload/download of xml is not suported and kacars needs that
  9. Simpilot has a very nice addon http://www.simpilotgroup.com/home/modules pilot manager have a look at the demo Orelse you have me already on skype so we can discus it
  10. I dont remember if xacars has it own module if not you must keep acars.php as it is You can also remove the links from the temlate
  11. Sure just rename the folders in core/modules and the files in core/modules/acars
  12. I think about the same and to be honest i thought of making an offer but then i saw the iphone/android apps and have second thoughts also you didnt mentioned a possible deadline for the project
  13. Yes indeed you must have a vatsimdata.txt file in your site root if you have everything correct but this file should read a 404 error or something similar
  14. What do you mean by that ? the module downloads the text to your server from random places that are specified in the php file and then it reads it and converts it into array.
  15. Admin section of phpvms -> site and settings -> profile fields -> add new You can select if it will be displayed in the public profile and in registration form And please do no write in caps
  16. Vangelis

    need help

    Is it for static text or you just want the news to be shown without date and time ?
  17. Vangelis

    Skin help!

  18. PM send
  19. Vangelis


    witch funtion do you call ?
  20. if i am mistaken lorathon please correct me but in the free version i don't think it is possible as the xml exports only the aircraft registration if you go to C:\Program Files\FS-Products\kACARS_Free you will see the send.xml and there after you have made a flight you will see the format that it is being send . For example this is mine after a flight <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!--kACARS--> <kACARS> <switch> <data>getFlight</data> </switch> <verify> <pilotID>GSA108</pilotID> <password>-------</password> <lang>English</lang> </verify> <liveupdate> <pilotID>GSA108</pilotID> <flightNumber /> <registration>SX-LFK</registration> <latitude>36,3902892121747</latitude> <longitude>28,1184499661445</longitude> <heading>258</heading> <altitude>0</altitude> <route>VFR</route> <groundSpeed>0</groundSpeed> <depICAO /> <arrICAO /> <depTime /> <status /> </liveupdate> <pirep> <pilotID>GSA108</pilotID> <flightNumber /> <registration>SX-LFK</registration> <depICAO /> <arrICAO /> <flightTime /> <flightType>H</flightType> <fuelUsed /> <pax /> <cargo /> <landing /> <comments /> <log /> </pirep> </kACARS> so as you can see in the pirep root element only the <registration>SX-LFK</registration> is being send Best regards
  21. isnt it happening already ? i dont remember i am now at work i will have a look tomorrow
  22. wana share what you want to do ?
  23. for example in this module whe want to validate the user so the link will be www.yoursite.com/action.php/nameofmodule?data=verify&pilotID=yourpilotid&password=yourpilotpassword $case = strtolower($this->get->data); switch($case) { case 'verify': $results = Auth::ProcessLogin($this->get->pilotID, $this->get->password); if ($results) { echo '1'; } else { echo '0'; } so if pilot has been validated it will return 1 or else it will return 0 this result i have a webrequest in vb that grabs it and resolves it to whatever i need
  24. I personaly dont use xml i have done it with $_post
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