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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. If i click on this link then i get which is the module version and that is correct pleace click on your link and confirm you are still getting the same error
  2. It cAn be skinned but it will be overwriten on an update
  3. Vangelis

    kACARS Error

    Do you have the Phpvms site uploaded somewhere ? Because your error message show d:\ as yor website and that is not correct
  4. Glad that i helped you
  5. Try this, that one this time i have tried it <?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($pirep->pilotpay * $pirep->flighttime);?> Sorry my bad
  6. If you want only to display the final amount then this is your code <?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($pirep->pilotpay);?>
  7. What do you mean by integrated ?
  8. No at the moment you could make a custom module for that what kind of criteria are you thinking off
  9. You need to modify your templates they are located in core/templates
  10. You can use joomla platform with some download modules
  11. can you please give us a link ? And if you type this in your webbrowser what result do you get www.yourlink.com/action.php/APVacars?data=moduleversion
  12. Yes my bad because || is or try replacing || with &&
  13. No in the curent state that phpvms is setup you could make a custom module for that As far as i know all acars-pireps software are able to report back to a single website if i am mistaken lorathon please correct me. I do not know if you ask lorathon who is the creator of Kacars @ www.fs-products.net if he can make a custom solution for you. If he is not able to help you i could make APVacars do that for you for a small fee There is a way with a driver called odbc BUT i would not sugest you doing that as it makes publicly avaiable your database throught the internet and your data could get compromised http://dev.mysql.com...ith-access.html If you know a litle coding you can look at the source code of APVacars here https://github.com/vangelisb/ to see how visual basic works with post and get with the help of a module in phpvms
  14. You can have a look at logical operators here is a link that explains it http://php.net/manua...ors.logical.php in your case now and without me being able to try it out try <?php foreach($allroutes as $route) { if ($route->code != 'NEX' || '3XE') continue;
  15. Vangelis

    Ledger DB

    I just cheked my db and i do not have it and as far as i know it is not in a standart phpvms setup do you use a custom module or something else ?
  16. Send me a pm of what you need and i will tell you a price all custom coding is in closed exe
  17. I do not know how many people are using it that means if it is wroth the time , also it meant to be a free software if you want all that what you ask there are custom solutions such as APVAcars custom and etc if you wish something custom we could discus it best regards
  18. for example you have 2 flags 1 english and 1 norwegian the english will link to http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php/profile/?template=TemplateEn and the norwegian to http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php/profile/?template=TemplateNorway
  19. ASAP reply is comming 1st step ) In local.config.php above the first line <?php paste this <?php session_start(); if(isset($_GET['template']) && $_GET['template'] != ''){ $_SESSION['template'] = $_GET['template']; define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_GET['template']); } if(isset($_SESSION['template']) && $_SESSION['template'] != '') { define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_SESSION['template']); } ?> 2ond step Copy your template to a new folder for example if your template is called "Template" make a folder "Templateen" 3rd step Translate the files in the 2ond folder that you have made 4th step point your links to each language that you want with a link http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php/profile/?template=Template for spanish and http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php/profile/?template=TemplateEn For english If you have any questions just tell us
  20. The free acars systems do not suport it only some payed and custom acars system
  21. Congratulations wana share the code for further referance ?
  22. just conect to vatsim and whait 5 minutes after that send a manual pirep, i dont think there is another way
  23. What do you mean by that ?
  24. I updated your profile you had to put only your profile name in your case a**********in.7 Retry now if you want with mine profile it is working
  25. Did you clicked on Add Facebook Post ? then file a manual report with flight number 108 and make sure your facebook name is correct in your profile
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