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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. There are a lot of issues with that . First of all some files are missing make sure you have placed all the files in the correct locations and that they exist in case you have an old version of phpvms with the tpl files then you will need to rename the templates from php to tpl
  2. You can download it from GitHub https://github.com/vangelisb/Simbrief
  3. if you want please send me your ftp info and i will install it for you
  4. Then it is not installed correctly as there should have been a menu on the left where you insert the criteria in order for the pirep to be declined If for some reason you havent put any criteria then the module wont wo
  5. I would have a look first if you have added the right criteria according your pirep
  6. That is an old version that worked in the early beta of phpvms 7 many things have changed and many updates need to be done for the moment i would use nabeelss software until further notice sorry for the trouble
  7. As i visited your website can you describe how you use simbrief ? as i cant find a button at the schedules
  8. What is your website address? i can have a look at it
  9. View File Auto Accept/Reject Pirep Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you It has a admin interface so you will be able to add 1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP 2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep 3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments. 4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text" 5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected 6. It is compartible with Simpilot's Plugin Manager Submitter Vangelis Submitted 09/23/21 Category Addons  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you It has a admin interface so you will be able to add 1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP 2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep 3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments. 4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text" 5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected 6. It is compartible with Simpilot's Plugin Manager
  11. At the moment the only available ACARS for phpVMS v7 is the one that Nabeel the creator is selling . At the moment i am not planning to release a new version due to lack of time i believe i will be able to continue on the project in the next couple months at the moment i would support Nabeel for the reason that he is working on the platform and he is worth the recognition
  12. This module never played well with smartacars as the do no use the functions of phpvms for the pireps
  13. You need to go to the function and remove the static in front of GetAllHubs(array()) function
  14. What is the link of your website ?
  15. No idea to be honest as i have a lot of work atm and i am also moving my company so there is no time
  16. this version does not work with the current version of phpvms 7 i am working on an update at some point i will upload an update
  17. replace <input type="text" name="arr"> <input type="text" name="depp"> with <select name="arr"> <?php foreach($allairports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'" '.$sel.'>'.$airport->name.' ('.$airport->icao.')</option>'; } ?> </select> <select name="depp"> <?php foreach($allairports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'" '.$sel.'>'.$airport->name.' ('.$airport->icao.')</option>'; } ?> </select>
  18. Paid hosting ? It seems you need to enable the modules in php.ini
  19. as phpvms is constantly improving thus the code changes i am in the process of rewriting the acars, at the moment the current version is not working with phpvms 7 and a new version will be released in the following weeks. At the moment nabeel has a working client and as far as i am aware he charged the licence per VA i would suggest to contact him
  20. Did you run the install ? in that page you will need to fill in the mysql credentials and info
  21. If you have the kwnowledge everything is possible. the easyest way is to export the db to an excell and format it to phpvms database format
  22. If you want send me a pm with Website Address A test username and password Ftp Credentials in order to check the php files and i can have alook at it
  23. send them by pm and on the very first change i will have a look at it
  24. compare those templates and see what is missing for example all the hidden values are missing
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