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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Did you put a fresh copy of StatsData back, or hit undo on your changed file? Try a fresh version?
  2. Checked your PHP error log?
  3. So check line 5 and work it out Here, I did it for you: //Script order <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage'); ?> //Content of frontpage_recent.tpl <?php $pir_sel = "SELECT * FROM pireps WHERE pilotid = 'Auth::$userinfo->pilotid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5"; $pir_go = mysql_query($pir_sql); while($report = mysql_fetch_object) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/viewreport/'.$report->pirepid);?>">#<?php echo $report->pirepid . ' - ' . $report->code.$report->flightnum?> <span class="icon-align-left"></span><strong> Flying from <?php echo $report->depICAO . ' to ' . $report->arrICAO?></strong></a></li> <?php } ?>
  4. Tom

    Forum Module

    If the database structure hasn't changed then it should be alright. Yes this will be completely different.
  5. Tom

    Forum Module

    No progress since my last post. Will possibly pick this up again if there's still interest. I've added a poll to the first post, please answer if you would be interested in this forum and would require data import from another forum. If you select "Other" please specify in a post, otherwise the import you need won't be built for ages.
  6. Oh I know, and for this question that's a perfectly reasonable solution. I just thought I'd give an additional answer which allows use on all pages, then there's no complaining when it's copy/pasted elsewhere
  7. From other pages around the site you should be using Auth::$userinfo <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.Auth::$userinfo->pilotid);?>">View My Public Profile</a>
  8. How are you translating your site? That doesn't match what I see on the page.
  9. No that's the registration module, can you attach your registration template from your skin?
  10. That's nothing to do with the issue, that's just this forum automatically creating the link from a pasted url and erroneously including the trailing ".". Based on the error my guess would be that you've missed out a closing quote or something, and it's trying to include a template which is actually the entire contents of the page. Can you attach your registration template file?
  11. "Internal commentary"? What do you mean by that?
  12. You'd be much better off going for a responsive framework instead of one designed for mobile, especially considering how your module will likely be used (99% desktops)
  13. 500kts ≈ 575mph, but then you also have to factor altitude into the calculation as groundspeed > airspeed as you fly higher.
  14. $pilots_list is populated by the module, so you will need to ensure you're including the config file (you can find more about running pages outside of phpVMS elsewhere on the forums) and then you'll need to do $pilots_list = PilotData::getAllPilots() for example.
  15. Is your website still online? I've done a quick search based on your forum username but can't find anything. You can write to their host to explain the situation, or if they're using your content/themes/images/etc and can prove it's yours (i.e. is still online) you can send a DMCA takedown notice (whether they'll honour it is another issue).
  16. That's the same error you were getting before. Did you download a fresh copy of phpVMS? Get a copy of this file from github - it is correct there.
  17. Ok, can you ensure everything in /core/classes/ezdb has uploaded correctly? You can just reupload these to make sure.
  18. Correct, but it will still default to selecting header/footer if a layout.tpl is not found (to provide compatibility with older skins)
  19. So does layout.tpl exist in the location it's looking?
  20. Providing you just drag the phpVMS files in as they are your skin won't be touched.
  21. The first is due to an issue with reassigning $_FILES - if you upload a fresh copy of phpVMS it should be fixed. May also resolve the second.
  22. Where on your site are you seeing the error?
  23. Right ok, updating is probably the best bet then, don't do it on any id fields though because they have relationships to other tables (plus emptying a small number from each row saves negligible amounts of space - go for the bulky useless stuff)
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