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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Your license is strange... You ought to define "user". Also regarding "single computer location" etc.: so you can't use load balancing services which host or cache the site in multiple locations for performance benefits? It's common practice to take regular backups. Are you requiring customers delete all but one of their backups? Because customisation and individuality is evil. Your airline must look exactly like all the others who bought this skin
  2. Find: <th><?php echo $ist->pilots_list ?></th> Replace: <td> <?php $codes = array(); foreach(explode(',', $ist->pilots_list) as $pilotcode){ $codes[] = PilotData::getPilotCode("VAR", $pilotcode); } echo implode(', ', $codes); ?> </td> Side note: You appear to have your <th> and <td> mixed up.
  3. You can use the MySQL GROUP_CONCAT function to create the list you're looking for along with some grouping. Don't know what the field names are so I'm just guessing: $query = "SELECT *, GROUP_CONCAT(grt_pilotid) as pilots_list FROM vawards_awards f LEFT JOIN vawards_grants p ON p.grt_awdid = f.awd_id WHERE f.typ_id = '1' GROUP BY f.awd_id"; (Not tested)
  4. Tom


    In your layout.tpl (or equivalent) in /lib/skins/yourskin/
  5. Tom

    HubStats Class

    I believe the 'load' column is used for both pax and cargo, so you'll need to use the 'flightType' to differentiate between them.
  6. Top $? If you think what people here charge is a lot then I invite you to get a quote from a professional for the same work. Major developers aren't here because people are too tight to pay reasonable amounts for the effort involved.
  7. Is there really any need for the personal attack? I'm constantly surprised by the "adults" on this forum. If your time really is so much more precious, why did you spend it writing that comment?
  8. Chrome dev channel. By setting a height in your slider it should work more consistently: $('.blueberry').blueberry({height:200});
  9. http://cl.ly/image/0u1U3o0E1E2R The controls are miles below the images?
  10. Your carousel seems to be much taller than the content. Also what's with the modal it's really annoying. If I wasn't trying to give feedback I would've just left as soon as that popped up. I like where the design is going (esp compared to your previous designs) but there seems to be a strange mix of flat and shadows/gradients...
  11. Tom

    HubStats Class

    Just modify the others using what you've changed with the last one?
  12. People here don't seem to value developers' time much. Consider that $100 will pay for less than a days work on a low salary (for this type of work). I don't think you're going to get a full ACARS client in even a whole day...
  13. Going to have to agree unfortunately. Seeing the textures loading on to the aircraft model isn't good, also the panning and general composition of shots let it down. Then again, $30 is not a lot, so you get what you pay for. I would consider getting a discrete graphics card as integrated graphics just won't keep up...
  14. Tom

    HubStats Class

    Taran, you can modify the SQL for the TotalHours function to create another to specify a date range: public static function TotalHoursBetweenDates($icao, $startdate, $enddate) { //Count total hours $query = "SELECT SUM(flighttime) as hours FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE depicao = '".$icao."' OR arricao = '".$icao."' AND '".$startdate."' < submitdate < '".$enddate."'"; $result = DB::get_row($query); return $result->hours; } (Not tested)
  15. You'd probably have more luck getting donations if you actually had something worth donating to on show. I'd recommend putting your own effort in first to get it up and running and then if people enjoy it they'll contribute to its upkeep. Explaining where you're spending $240 would probably help too...
  16. Tom

    Top Routes

    The function returns an array of results, so if you want to build a table out of it you'll have to write your own loop. You can see the output using print_r(StatsData::TopRoutes());
  17. Here's a search engine friendly redirect: <?php header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: http://web.skyline-va.de"); ?> Shouldn't affect anything other than the phpvms frontpage if you put it in frontpage_mail.tpl
  18. Tom

    Which skin is this?

    If it is then they spent far too much time making the URLs unfriendly: "index.php?content=..." The second is phpVMS, their skin is named "vDAL_3.0" so probably not available. I would just get in contact with them.
  19. Microsoft access? Nonono... use phpmyadmin, you should have a link to it on your cPanel or equivalent.
  20. Can vouch for 000webhost - worked just fine.
  21. I wouldn't mind helping as long as it's available for free when it's done. Is it on Github?
  22. Did you remove all the rubbish and install the update when the exploit was found a while ago?
  23. What? Nobody's saying do tiles. Just commit to flat. For example: https://www.dropbox....27 10.35.55.png
  24. Looks like you've gone for the flat, windows metro type look... but then the shadows, gradients and borders ruin it IMO... Like it but would like it much more if it was properly flat Also btw, you put "@" for copyright - the html entity is "©" if you want to fix it
  25. I used this http://aviatorjoe.net/go/wx/
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