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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    HubStats Class

    That wouldn't work as the class is "HubStats" not "HubStatsData" If you run the SQL in phpmyadmin does it return correctly? "SELECT COUNT(pirepid) as count FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE arricao = 'LIMF'"
  2. You should've given this link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/globalone-alliance/id670046689 You can't give out iTunes Connect links, it's all private developer area. As for the app itself, it just generally looks like it's missing attention to detail. The status bar covers UI, the title of the forum page is "WebView"?
  3. Tom


    The content is good, I'd work on the audio levels for the next one though; I had to turn my volume right up to be able to hear you, and the music at the end came as a bit of a shock being so loud
  4. You pretty much just described VAForum...
  5. It's easier to try and work out what's going on with a link... Are the characters affected in your skin or database-backed content? Are the characters correct in your database? Did you change your database charset after it got filled with weird characters? If so they won't just fix themselves you need to enter them all again or perform a find/replace if possible.
  6. Yeah you need to assign $bid... so whatever data you expect to be in there you need to put it in there.
  7. Where are you assigning $bid? If it's never assigned it will always return false. Also you don't need the elseif statement: if($bid){ // code } else { // other code }
  8. If you go to Announcements http://forum.phpvms.net/forum/20-announcements/ and "Follow this forum" in the top right, you'll get a notification when there's an update. By default this will be emailed to you I believe but check in your forum settings to be sure
  9. http://www.quinnandc...Spa_Skyview.jpg Things I noticed browsing around: - The main navigation items don't have any feedback suggesting interaction (hover state change etc) however the three items at the bottom of the homepage do, but do not have any interaction. - The URLs aren't very pretty, they can easily be masked with a rewrite rule to be more friendly - On shorter pages the footer is right up at the bottom of the content, it would look better fixed to the bottom of the window IMO - Some of the images you've embedded straight from dropbox don't exist, i.e. http://aalv.net/?content=contact - Clicking "Policies" on the nav opens a PDF in the same window rather than a new window (you've essentially lost the user now they'll be more likely to click off elsewhere). - Recent flights & recent pilots aren't clickable, I'd expect that having used other VA sites - Schedule search should probably be limited to airports you use so the user doesn't have to scroll through every airport known to man - Some pages don't show any content: http://aalv.net/?con...event_view&id=5 or anything at all: http://aalv.net/base/book.php?id=1941
  10. I hope it works well for you backend because looking around the front it's very sloppy and unprofessional. Also you hotlink images from other sites
  11. It's pretty much the same: http://www.emiratesva.co.uk/en/ But by the same guy. He's probably just not very good at updating skins when he sells them on oops
  12. Have you tried using HTML entities instead of typing them straight into your skin? Your editor might be configured incorrectly, as they don't show up correctly in the page source either. E.g. Ü for Ãœ or ü for ü
  13. The site I run uses a .eu but the vast majority of our users are from the US. Also my personal site is .tt but I have no affiliation with Trinidad and Tobago. Location-based TLDs don't really carry much meaning anymore.
  14. Tom

    HubStats Class

    What's your code?
  15. Just... I... Anyway, Simone you can add a server password like so: <a href="ts3server://ts.server.co.uk/?port=9987&nickname=<?php echo Auth::$userinfo->firstname.' '.Auth::$userinfo->lastname; ?>&password=MyServerPassword">Connect to Teamspeak</a>
  16. Although saying that, that applies to copies of a single product sold. If you have multiple products using it (client skins) you'd need an extended license per skin.
  17. You need only buy 1 extended license? (Sorry the image is so large... retina screen)
  18. And try with $end = count($routedata); instead? ^^ use that instead for simplicity - there's no point subtracting 1 and then doing <=
  19. I put the route into a mapper and it suggests the route length should be 1780.6nm. You seem to be calculating the distance between each waypoint and the destination airport, and subtracting the distance of the previous waypoint and the destination airport. Strange method... Assuming your logic for $end etc is correct this might work better: function getFPDistance(){ $schedule = SchedulesData::getScheduleDetailed($_GET['plan']); $params->deplat = $schedule->deplat; $params->deplng = $schedule->deplng; $params->arrlat = $schedule->arrlat; $params->arrlng = $schedule->arrlng; $params->route = $_POST['route']; $routedata = NavData::parseRoute($params); $depairport = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); $arrairport = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->arricao); $end = (count($routedata) - 1); // Put lat/lng of each waypoint into array $lat = $lng = array(); foreach($routedata as $wp){ $lat[] = $wp->lat; $lng[] = $wp->lng; } // Distance from departure airport to first waypoint $total = distance($depairport->lat, $depairport->lng, $lat[0], $lng[0]); // Distance between each waypoint for($i=1; $i<$end; $i++){ $total += distance($lat[$i], $lng[$i], $lat[$i - 1], $lng[$i - 1]); } // Distance from last waypoint to arrival airport $total += distance($lat[$end], $lng[$end], $arrairport->lat, $arrairport->lng); return round($total); }
  20. Two years and you still asked how to position a form and style a button? Nah. Maybe you should do some HTML & CSS tutorials before charging people
  21. Tom

    Hubs page module

    Actually your template is calling a function that does not exist in my code. You must have a modified version. Feel free to make a pull request but until then I'll provide no support for functions that don't exist in there.
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