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Everything posted by Tom

  1. You have an interesting view on the law. Do you also therefore think that it's fine to steal things from shops because it's not an issue unless someone from the shop comes chasing you?
  2. I'm aware. You're approaching them as separate issues, however what I'm saying is the fact they've used all of these things in combination makes it quite clear they are trying to imitate Lufthansa, which I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy with. Also quick btw - you can claim exclusive rights to a colour: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/oct/03/cadbury-trademark-colour-purple-open-thread
  3. They use their logo as a favicon, their colours, and their ICAO code "DLH" And for above, I'm fairly sure it can be argued that you can use colours as a copyright infringement - especially if it's an obvious attempt at imitation.
  4. Using their logos and colours by the looks of it.
  5. It was an exploit in a third party piece of software that came packaged with phpVMS. Unless someone is keeping track of the status of other software that's packaged in phpVMS and updating them when necessary then there will likely be more exploits...
  6. Those logs don't necessarily mean your site is compromised, looks like they're just running a "security" tool which searches through known urls on your domain to find exploits. Also the way they placed files on your sites didn't necessarily give them any of your FTP passwords etc. If they were clever they probably could have got something useful, but they don't seem to be - they're just script kiddies, I'm sure they'll give up and move on soon enough. It's good practice to change them just in case, but if they did have any of your passwords you'd be in a lot worse a state by now.
  7. Big ol' list of people they've exploited: http://www.hack-db.com/team/indonesian_cyber_army/all.html Go back a few pages and there's tons of VA sites. Pretty much everyone.
  8. I'll reiterate to make my point more obvious for you; they didn't even realise. You guys just assume that because someone wants to use free hosting they'll not put any effort in. Sure a large percentage don't, but don't be so quick to assume. Also it's none of your business. If your VA is so great having more rubbish VAs will make you look even better, no?
  9. Free hosting says very little about effort, really. When I was running my VA I spent almost every spare minute I had improving the site, painting aircraft, etc. It looked pretty great (sure I made it, but I am yet to see a single other phpVMS skin I'd consider as of comparable quality). Nobody ever turned their nose up at the fact that it was all done on free hosting - they didn't even know. To use the same argument, surely when people go to paid hosting because they aren't competent enough to sort any issues out, they also won't (be able to) put the effort in to make it work? I'm more worried about those people owning VAs than anyone else.
  10. If we still had downvoting I would downvote that so hard. If you're unwilling to help people on free hosting then just don't post. phpVMS works fine on 000webhost once you get it set up properly, it's all I ever used to use when I was running my airline.
  11. Underscore is messy IMO... always a dash in CSS for me. Also just noticed your examples all use IDs - best practice is to never use IDs in CSS - to override the style of an ID you need 256 classes - so stick to just using classes as much as possible.
  12. I quote based on the work required, not a flat rate... If you get in touch I can give you a price.
  13. I would offer to build apps for you, but you'd not have much budget left for anything else...
  14. Don't know if the original thread starter is still around however if there's enough interest I can write native iOS apps...
  15. Why not post in case anyone else needs to solve the issue in the future? Then they can search and find an answer, like we encourage them to.
  16. Note that this will remove it from all pages made through the admin center.
  17. Interesting, not seen this done before. Do you have an automated installer for it? I assume you basically have to replace the existing fsx images so it'd be good to keep a backup of those.
  18. simpilot is completely correct. Essentially you're saying if you bought a stolen laptop from someone, just because you didn't bother to check it wasn't stolen you should have the right to keep it. I think not. As your answer to my PM was less detailed than your answer here I too shall continue here. I suggest you seek a refund from the person you bought it from as it was not theirs to sell. If the skin isn't paid for or taken down by 10:00 GMT Monday 5th August I will be issuing a DMCA takedown notice to your both your host and ISP.
  19. Why would anyone release anything and allow others to resell it? The original author would make nothing; one guy would buy it and sell it on multiple times for slightly less and make more from it than the author...
  20. That's a paid skin and as far as I'm concerned you haven't bought it. Please either prove me otherwise, purchase it or take it down ASAP and delete your copy.
  21. Ok, try running it manually with dummy data?
  22. Try running the query from phpMyAdmin with dummy data and you'll be able to rule out any SQL issues. By the looks of it though, if id is auto_increment you can just omit it from your INSERT.
  23. Tom

    Multiple problems

    #1 Check your database, it would seem your joindate is being entered as 0 (which in epoch time is 1/1/1970) #2 To edit the navigation copy the core_navigation.tpl into your skin folder - don't edit the core template.
  24. Tom

    need help

    ^ Not really... By the sounds of it you're editing layout.tpl. layout.tpl is for layout only. What you're seeing on the homepage is likely the default news item added by phpVMS - you can remove this from the admin panel. If you want to create/edit content on specific pages, you either create a custom page in the admin panel, or edit the appropriate .tpl file for the page you're trying to edit.
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