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Everything posted by TAV1702

  1. TAV1702

    VMSEditor 1.1

    Ahh so if a VA is a subdomain then it is a headache waiting to happen then?
  2. You add it to the front page exactly how you add it to any other page. GO to the touchdown stats module thread and copy the call code and paste it in your front page. That is all I did with mine. Once I saw it working, I tweaked it some to match my site better as far as color goes. Other then that, it works out of the box as it should.
  3. That is pretty much what I did. Rather than make a couple of them one long flight, I simply changed flight numbers. A few of them made for nice long hauls though. If the routes were pulled automatically from UT and inserted in to the db though, that is where the problem comes in at. Manually entered, it would and does work as you mentioned. Simply change flight numbers. +1 Jeff
  4. Oh yeah I can change the words but it is always going to show hourly wage. Thats cool though. I have explained to the ones that can edit and accept pirpes what it is saying in general and to not take it as face value. I know it is paying correctly and that is all that really matters anyhow.
  5. Well, when editing a pirep, even if you have it set to pay per flight, it still shows the hourly rate which is confusing to some admins. Case in hand today it happened to me. My one admin had me looking in tables and all just to come to find out it paid correct. lol. It says this flight pays 90$ per hour instead of saying this flight paid pilot 1395$ or something like that. I was not sure if a switch could be created to show the actual pay when editing a pirep. I know when measurement units are switched on site via the config file, it shows up on site such as switching from pounds to kilograms. The text on site switches from lbs to read kg. That's all. If not no biggie. He is strait now anyhow. I know and he knows it is paying per flight just like it is supposed to.
  6. You know, from time to time the strangest of things happen. I have been struggling with this stuff (phpVMS)for a year or more now. And now somehow, after reading this very post, it just clicked in my head what each part does and how to use it. I can t believe it took me this long. Better late than never I suppose. The funny part is, I bet I have read this very post no less then 20 times. Since I have my hubs broken up in to individual pages, I am going to attempt to extract the data to those hub pages that show the landing rate for that hubs pilots only. Think this plan of mine will work?
  7. And while you are at it, make sure when you add that key that you set enable to true.
  8. That would be real nice yes. For now, I am doing them manually. Now the only issue with it is, flights with a layover (stop) at another airport. Them do not work since you need to use the same flight number 2 or 3 times. I have just been adding an aircraft that is capable of making a long flight. That would be the show stopper as far as adding them time tables to the database automatically.
  9. Hi Connor. The ACARS Map shows all active and inactive flights within the last 720 minutes. You can alter that by editing your local.config.php Somewhere in there you will see the acars map configuration. It says 720. Simply edit that ( in minutes ) to what you want.
  10. That did go up a bunch, but so did your flight numbers for the month as well. Now since the live fuel prices are back online, that is going to happen. You went from 27 flights to 44. That is quite the jump in flights. Just a tad shy of doubled.
  11. Hi Scott. Now this is going to sound far fetched but please stick with me until the end. If you have Ultimate traffic, pick a random airline and generate their time tables. If you do not have it, I am more than sure you can find someone that can generate them for you and email the pdf docs or something like that. That is how I am doing it. If that does not work for you as an option, feel free to add schedules as you wish man. It's your VA, run it your way. That is the awesome thing about running an airline that is not mirrored off of a real airline. You are free to do as you want.
  12. Ok it appears as though I am wrong. One pilot just had $73.50 and after I accepted a pirep her pay was up over 1k. I think I got confused when it shows how much money they would be paid per hour for that flight. I was expecting it to show total pay for that flight for some stupid reason. My apologies. Is it at all possible to add a switch to show the correct type of pay for the flight? So say if it was by the hour, it would stay as is for now. If it is a pay per flight it would switch and say pilot pay for this flight was ( or is ) $XXXX.XX ?If not, then that is cool. Just a random though. And for the record, since pay per flight is in effect, pilots are loving a whole lot more. Earning 1500 or 2000 for a 3 hour flight feels much better than say 90$ 30x3. Thanks for the effort on that Nabeel. I REALLY appreciate it.
  13. Not a problem. Thank you. I was meaing to do that for a while but never did until I saw this post.
  14. TAV1702

    VMSEditor 1.1

    just curious why all the tpl files are still text documents? ANd it would be great to get this to work with Simpilots Airmail and Simpilot and Toms VA Forum if at all possible.
  15. Hi Nabeel. As you know from another post, I have a guy on my site keeping track of all numbers on my site. He keeps track of all flights and how much they pay and how much ticket prices are. Now I have every single flight set to pay a different amount to the pilot per flight. Well, it is correct in the database and in the admin panel it shows the correct flight but come pirep filing time, it appears to be paying them the hourly wage. I will investigate further and see if I am doing anything wrong, but as far as I can tell, everything is correct. Ray
  16. Has anyone ever made a basic voting booth? I badly need a way for pilot to vote on stuff on my site and right now we have no way to do it. I could use a poll option from a regular forum, but we do not use a regular forum. We use VA Forum2. It would need the option of running multiple polls at once since some would run longer or shorter than others. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place now with this one. I am not sure how to code one up at all using admin section of phpVMS.
  17. My fuel prices have went up too in the past couple of days. BUT I also noticed too that the price of fuel right now is pricy. Every flight has had a different fuel cost. So I would say the live fuel prices are working as they should be. A good way to combat the issue is to turn off live fuel costs and manually enter in amounts to your liking. I know high fuel costs suck and the airlines in real life feel the same way. I just keep in the back of my mind that not every flight is going to be a money maker. Some are going to loose money regardless unless you jack the cost per ticket or per pound of cargo up sky high. I think in real life if you went to book a flight and they raised the ticket price by 200$ to cover fuel cost you would respectfully decline the ticket and not fly at the time or find another way.
  18. That actually worked out real nice. Thanks for the share. +1 Hey West Jet, can you give him a +1 for sharing please?
  19. TAV1702

    Module Error

    Thanks Tom. Well, it calls the tpl file I edited and it did not make a difference. That is kind of odd. I am glad to know I was on the right track though. Thanks I appreciate it. +1
  20. TAV1702

    Module Error

    When a module is requested and it does not exist, it puts up a error page. I edited one page but it did nothing. Maybe it was the wrong one. Can anyone tell me what tpl file that is? I tried core_error.tpl but that did not do anything.
  21. Well, to be honest, I never thought about it either. I was just siting here staring off in to space and I was suddenly like Duhhhhh! Why not add a extra row Ray? Hell it might work....and it did. Like I said, it is a dirty fix, but it works. Glad it worked out for ya.
  22. Oh it worked out for me and I love the site. I just got tired of searching for aircraft. I think what them and Flightlyne got going on is a real good thing. I think it is a VA killer, but I like their operation.
  23. TAV1702

    VAForum 2

    Might be worth a look. On another note, I found where in the files the bbcode and html tags are. I followed the code exactly and added a few more tags and bbcodes and they won't work. Not sure why.
  24. All you do is click on it. The image will come up in a light box. then save the image.
  25. TAV1702

    VAForum 2

    Well, in all honesty, I never attempted to move a post. I tried to yesterday and I was like ohh wait a minute. That's not gonna work. lol I have noticed a few others and not mentioned them but this one is one I had not noticed. There is another one too when deleting posts. It throws out errors pretty bad.
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