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Everything posted by BaRBeR

  1. it was free skinning last week '@JordanBarber I have no examples heince why I am offering free skinning services. @benboy123 My email is in the topic post.' so, you have no examples, and have been web designing for 2 years? I sense a bit of a white lie there. Also, pretty quick learner to learn skinning in under two weeks.
  2. any examples of skins you have already done?
  3. but still, just to me, it doesnt seem very good for realism, especially when doing a virtual airline.
  4. @TB1 may I ask, why do you run on YSFlight? I had never heard of it before looking at this post, and by just looking at your screenshots on your site, it looks like possibly the worst flight simulator i have ever seen? you cannot tell the difference between the aircraft and a rocket ship ice lolly? For the fellow forum members who have not heard of YSFlight, here is one of the 'better' screenshots i found on google -
  5. whats the code for your featured tabs, because that doesnt look like its there?
  6. Next time possibly do a simple search on the forum?
  7. Also, the bottom of your pirep table has been cut off by your footer.
  8. I think this is a little harsh. Possibly private message Joeri rather than post it for all of the forum members to see.And nothing nasty you have just called the dude 'stupid' maybe you should stop contradicting yourself within your irrelevant posts and leave things to be.
  9. are you Express Regional or Star One? Because your current site is an over used, dull boring theme to be honest :/
  10. nice minimalistic looking site. However, the latest news section doesnt need that much room. Maybe put something else at the side of it?
  11. also, why you using gmail servers for this email info@angelairva.co.uk?
  12. what's your URL?
  13. And the dude helping clearly isn't very good as we can see from your current site. Also, if he is helping then for god sake wait until he is finished with the site before announcing your opening then you may actually attract pilots and avoid a backlash
  14. mine sometimes doesnt work with SMTP Authentication so try turning that to false, worth a try.
  15. I'm speechless. I think you need to invest in a theme, as you're currently using the default phpvms theme.
  16. Just a little heads up, i don't know if anyone else's does it but when I click the link in this post it directs me through facebook which warns me your site could be malicious and harmful. Also, in your footer you have spelt 'moduals' wrong - 'modules' but overall nice site using a good consistent theme. Best of luck!
  17. didnt see the solved.
  18. It cannot connect to your database's server
  19. I can do you a skin, add me on skype on jordan_barber1
  20. Any previews of your site or anything?
  21. Not sure if its just me, but your site takes a long time to load. It will be because your tables have reset probably. Drop Nabeel a pm?
  22. Why has this topic been posted so many times?
  23. Pm'd
  24. Yes on the 'phpvms' forums...he doesnt even use phpvms
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