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Everything posted by BaRBeR

  1. Then if your not using phpvms why these forums?
  2. does your audio driver need an update?
  3. pm'd you back
  4. btw you have really huge ads on your site
  5. Hi All, I have coded my own shoutbox for PHPVMS, for just £10 I'll make it fit the style of your airline and install it on your site for you. I can give you a demo of the shoutbox via skype at any time. Just add me on jordan_barber1 and I will be happy to help. Thanks, Jordan.
  6. Free hosts sometimes block or restrict certain ports and services to force you into upgrading to their paid hosting
  7. thank you you're added
  8. Hi All, I have designed a virtual airline search engine all i need is some va's to put in it and then i'll provide the link. If you guys could pm me the following information Site Name, Site Link, Site Description, Site Keywords (These are the words which will show your site). Thanks Guys, Jordan. NOTE: Please put each keyword on a new line instead of separating with commas.
  9. 000webhost has adverts though and they irritate me dno about you guys
  10. what code are you using?
  11. clear your browser cache. Mine in firefox is tools > preferences > data > clear cache yours will be something along those lines im sure
  12. hi, i have pm'd you
  13. Have you got it in the airport list in your admin panel? Also, is it in the correct corresponding route?
  14. pm'd and skyped
  15. Alrighty cheers
  16. Hi, made this module the other day and forgot to post on the forums. Contact me either by pm or on my skype listed on my profile and ill give you the details to download it.
  17. Good morning all, I wondered if anyone is wanting any modules making? I'm wanting to make a few and just looking for some ideas on what to make. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks. Jordan.
  18. Dont know whether this is any help to you http://phpstarter.net/2008/12/5-sources-of-free-weather-data-for-your-site/ but might be worth a try
  19. The template file "/home/httpd/vhosts/va-ayz.ru/httpdocs//admin/lib/layout/header.php" doesn't exist in. ------ The file header.php doesn't exist in the directory listed, that being /layout.
  20. what host you using?
  21. I cant even read what the error says, there is that much :L
  22. Well, I respectfully disagree, it was just a question I was just curious as I know a few lufthansa va's have been around and gone due to lacking permission, so was just asking. So I think thats that.
  23. Everyone has a right to freedom of speech, so everyone is entitled to post a question in the forum whether it be do you have permission or not. It was a simple question and he answered, there is no need for all of the backlash guys, so lets just end it there.
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