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Everything posted by Flightguy123

  1. Contact me flightguy1 on skype or adadenker@live.com for messenger...
  2. I could help if you would like, it wouldnt be AES though, most likly... I could try and see if I can contact them.... www.flightguypaints.co.cc Enjoy Ada
  3. Interesting, I cant get in to the blog Ada
  4. What I REALLY dont get is, we had this talk with someone else not even a week ago, why keep posting different ads, just read what has happened to other that have tried... Ada
  5. FlightGuyPaints End of Summer deal is here! Now, get 10% off all repaints, plus a free aircarft after 5 orders! All requests please go to FlightGuyPaints.co.cc, or e-mail adadenker@live.com! Enjoy Ada
  6. Works for me too.... But it forwards to a normal VA's website.. Ada
  7. Ill get to work on it, ill e-mail you back Ada
  8. You would have to ask the CEO Ada
  9. Um, hehe, already done You should check out his website! Ada
  10. oh ok, hehe, good thiing I havent done it yet, thanks for the heads up, for now on VCs are not included
  11. Oh ok, um well let ms put it this way then, I didn't make the blue boxes, and the nav bar, just the placement divs, and combining it all together then. Ada
  12. Woops, I didnt mean completely my self sorry about that, Simpilot helped out a LOT on the divs with me Ada
  13. Um, yeah, I coded this from scratch using Dreamweaver, I didnt think I put any <b> tags, but ill check it, ill make sure to have that included in the next version.
  14. All of AAVirtuals material is copyrighted , so is yours. I have to say, your right, but i also have to say instead of ruining a VA's rep, you could just PM him, there are different ways to approach the problem, I know your mad, and angry, trust me, been there. But I just e-mailed the VA, and it got resolved. Ada
  15. Pictures added You can change the colors,ect,ect though Ada
  16. Its a public skin, he can put whatever he wants on the side bar Kyle. Ada
  17. For all of you looking for a skin, ive released one in the skins/ Releases forum. Please let me know if that is what you want, or if you want a custom one... e-mail me at adadenker@live.com for customs, remember they are free Ada
  18. Hello everyone! My first skin, expressions has been released now. I plan to release a few more updates to it, if fixes are required, I will try my best. Please remember that you may NOT sell this skin to anyone, or charge anyone to install it. Please do not upload this anywhere. To make pages that you added work, please put the following to the very top, before anything. <div id="z7"> <b class="b1h"></b> <b class="b2h"></b> <b class="b3h"></b> <b class="b4h"></b> <div class="headh"><center><font face="arial"><?php echo $page_title ?></font></center></div> <div class="contenth"><div> Then at the end of the page </div></div> <b class="b4bh"></b> <b class="b3bh"></b> <b class="b2bh"></b> <b class="b1h"></b> This will add a blue box, if you dont want a blue box around the text/content, just put <div id="z7"> Your Content </div> expressions.zip Enjoy! Released by FlightguyPaints.co.cc
  19. Just a tad bit behind on one But I can see what I can do for yah Ada
  20. What hoster is this? Ada
  21. Dear PHPvms users, I have to say, wow to this Virtual Airline system. Just these past days, my staff and I have been doing a bit of research, and AAvirtual.net has passed many other American Airlines Virtuals in the Virtual World! I have to say, this would not have been possible, without the help of Nabeel, SimPilot, Jeff and many, many more. Kudos to everyone! Regards Ada
  22. Im glad you like it! Thats our goal, to make affordable TS3 for VA's. Ada
  23. You are using a free host, usually those don't work very well, I suggest firedev hosting, that is the official PHPvms hosting Any more questions, PM me Ada
  24. You never know if thats true routes, um, gosox116, ill see what I can find for you, are you planning on investing money, because there are a few good ones, but they charge for their services. Ada
  25. Hehe, a friend in Microsoft Game studios They announced this I guess 3 weeks ago Ada
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