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Gabriel Fernandez

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  1. Nice changes dude! Can you share the new lines codes with the community? =D
  2. I dont know why, for some reason i get this erro: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&' in /home/webje346/public_html/core/templates/exams/exam.php on line 20 . I dont made any changes on my phpvms and few weeks ago the exam center is working fine without problems.
  3. Thank you dude! Works fine!
  4. Perfect dude! That works for me. Thank you for share that solution!
  5. Where i go to change the header colors? I want change that blue for some green... :)
  6. I dont have any antvirus... some weeks ago i downlod the configs without any problem...
  7. I dont know why but, from my work pc i can download all cfg files, but from my home pc and another 2 more persons cant download... http://webjetvirtual.com.br/ I will try that and post a reply
  8. Dear friends, i take a little look and I dont find anything... The problem is I cant download any acars config. When I save the file to download I got " Fail - Network error". Is the same for fsacars, xacars and fspax. Few weeks ago i can download, but now I cant. I dont find the reason why Sugestions? Thank you
  9. Dear friends. Please, how to solve that?? http://imgur.com/a/ktEfJ
  10. http://imgur.com/a/vhsmp Someone can help with this erro?
  11. Thank you! Works very nice.
  12. Hey, hey guys! For a few days i trying to solve my no route passed problem. After a lot of tests i figured out that the problem is my browser... Crewcenter dont works on Opera (In my case) but in google chorme i can book a flight without erros. Problem Solved! Thank you all!
  13. Hey, hey guys! For a few days i trying to solve my no route passed problem. After a lot of testese i figured out that the problem is my browser... Crewcenter dont works on Opera ( In my case) but in google chorme i can book a flight without erros. But i still have a problem. With crew center, I cant changemy location,avatar, and email. I click em save changes but always i get "The email address cannot be blank.".
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