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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Oh boy, this is old! I thought this is similar to this one that simpilot is working on? http://www.simpilotgroup.com/charter/
  2. If you have your forums registration set to off, then it won't affect with the module. All it does is capture the required info and input into the phpBB member's table. But phpVMS Users had gotten spam, so yeah I might have to look into a way to spank those spammers in the @$$. Possibly, add a stop forum spam API's. So your forums won't pile up on spam. Even it will work if you are using phpVMS's Stop Forum Spam API. Thanks for bringing that up.
  3. I could suppose, but I'm currently busy at the moment. When I have time, I'll see what I could do. My coding isn't strong yet, but it's worth a shot.
  4. Not a problem!
  5. I fixed the problem, first Post Updated with new file. Just upload/overwrite the module file.
  6. The reasons why it's not biding it is that your config settings is true Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Change the true value to false. That's why the bidding is not allowing.
  7. I'm not sure, but the first name is not being parsed right? Do you have the forums in the same database as your phpvms? I might add a debugger in this module so I can easily see what the problems in the next versions.
  8. You would need to write a code that auto analyses the PIREPs and seeing if the landing rate is over -1000 and then set the PIREP to reject. This would based on a cron job. Example of Cron Job, Find all unapporved PIREPs,pirep Go by each PIREP, check to see if it has a landing rate of or greater than -1000. If less than -1000, then approve. If more than -1000, then set the PIREP to reject.
  9. No problem!
  10. I made a custom training center for a VA last month, like what you guys had in mind. But I might consider creating a basic version in the future.
  11. Looks Fancy!
  12. Kyle


    Man, why can't people get over it and move on??? Looks like he's after a few VA's....
  13. Gottca!
  14. We don't really support xacars anymore here at phpVMS. Consider looking at kACARS if you never know about it.
  15. Kyle


    Maybe your setting is on to task switch on pause. Go to FS Settings, go to General, and uncheck "Pasue on task switch" and it should stop the pausing on task switch. If it is correct... then I don't know what else.
  16. Did little more in look in the PilotData.class. on Line 811 foreach($results as $row) { // Set them retired self::updateProfile($row->pilotid, array('retired'=>1)); Template::Set('pilot', $row); $pilot_retired_template = Template::Get('email_pilot_retired.tpl', true, true, true); Util::SendEmail($row->email, Lang::get('email.pilot.retired.subject'), $pilot_retired_template); } } However, this is where you should be looking for. If I'm right?
  17. What's the code on Line 123?
  18. There should be a way to stop sending those emails when they are already retired. Perhaps, you can add a counite line like $pilot->retired == 1 (continue) (NOT THE RIGHT CODE) And it will send email out to who hasn't been retired and didn't fly a flight on it's parameters' days. Are you running the Maintenance Cron Job right?
  19. Check your PM.
  20. Okay, the problem. You have to add new columns in the query in the data.class file. $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pilots (firstname, lastname, email, code, dob, location, city, hub, password, salt, confirmed, joindate, lastip, reason) VALUES ( '{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$data['email']}', '{$code}', '{$data['dob']}', '{$location}', '{$data['city']}, '{$data['hub']}', '{$password}', '{$salt}', {$confirm}, NOW(), '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$data['reason']}' )"; Give that a whirl and see if it works.
  21. Joshua, I'll have a look. No worries.
  22. I don't really think that anyone would make free repaints here. Just saying.
  23. Is your forums database prefixed by "phpbb_"?
  24. Hey Shaun, You have to go into phpBB Admin, and then go to inactive users. The account will be there. You'll need to activate the forums account and add in the groups.
  25. Joshua, There are three things that you need to make them work. 1) You need to add the new columns, in the phpvms_pilots database. Set them to the appropriate fields. 2) You need to change the registration.php file. Add new data arrays, so the registration can process the new fields. 3) You also need to change the RegistrationData.class. You have to add new fields in the SQL Query. Just have a look at those files, I'm pretty sure you will understand it.
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